Spiritual thoughts from across the world
World Service,路1097 episodes
On the Prophet Michah's statement "to do justly, love mercy and to walk humbly with God"
On Jewish community relationships, reciprocity and the need to care for others
On the Jewish tradition that it is humanity's duty to care for the whole world
How Easter can change people today just as the first Easter changed the disciples of Jesus
An Islamic perspective on living among people from different religions
How can people of different faiths find common ground for discussion?
What does loving your neighbour mean in practise?
The extraordinary capacity of human beings to sacrifice themselves
Thoughts on Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem and his impending suffering and death
How different faiths have attempted to restore harmony through sacrifice
Remembering the love and sacrifice of Jesus and not the crime of his execution
How has Jesus Christ been perceived by religions other than Christianity?
Is hell nothing more - and nothing less - than a continuing rebellion against God's love?
Suffering implies exposure and change - how could it be true of God?
The joys of collecting antiquities and the bonds it forms with the past
Thoughts on the different groups that celebrate the birth of Christ in Bethlehem
The tradition that reminds Jews of the 40 years their ancestors spent in the wilderness