An urban farm with a rural feel. Read more
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Watercress Farm BS2
An urban farm with a rural feel.
Nuts about nuts
Caz Graham visits a farm in Warwickshire which specialises in growing nuts.
Dairy Goats
A love affair with raising goats has become a big business producing kefir.
Learning About Pigs
Caz Graham visits a pig behaviour research unit run by Scotland's Rural College.
The Bake Off Farmer - Mike Wilkins
Charlotte Smith meets the arable farmer who starred in The Great British Bake Off.
Mick's Wood
How a Welsh woodland brought peace and comfort to a grieving father.
The Romance of Apples
Sarah Swadling visits a nursery producing around 1,000 varieties of fruit tree in Kent.
A Natural Capital Deal
Caz Graham visits a 57,000 acre estate in the Scottish Highlands being managed for nature
Healthy Soil, Healthy People
Sarah Swadling meets GP turned farmer Dr Johnny Wake.
Defying Gravity - a story of growth in dairy
Caz Graham meets the Graham family, whose dairy products are sold across the UK.
Climber, Contractor, Farmer: The Man Who Does Everything
Welsh mountaineer Ioan Doyle balances two conflicting passions: climbing and farming
Seeing Opportunity
The organic beef farmer in Worcestershire who built a successful ready meals business.
A Eureka Moment on Eigg
Sarah Boden left Fleet Street for life on a hill farm in the Hebrides.