Berlin: A unique cultural success story. Read more
now playing
24/09/2011 GMT
Berlin: A unique cultural success story.
01/10/2011 GMT
Berlin: A clash of generations?
08/10/2011 GMT
The hidden forces that shape our lives.
15/10/2011 GMT
Have we got it wrong with the concept of the clash of civilisations?
22/10/2011 GMT
Contemplating our own death - what is the best way to prepare for it?
Feeding The Earth's Rising Population
With world’s population about to reach seven billion, how will we feed everyone?
05/11/2011 GMT
The virtues and flaws of democracy.
12/11/2011 GMT
The unintended consequences of what we do, in economics, geo-engineering and on stage.
19/11/2011 GMT
How do we make judgements and how could we do it better?
26/11/2011 GMT
How far can trees help us in the fight against global warming?
03/12/2011 GMT
The mysteries of love, of extra dimensions and how to write great mystery stories.
10/12/2011 GMT
As the world faces an unprecedented economic crisis, we ask what is the best way forward.
The future of the car
Has car transport reached a critical crossroads?
24/12/2011 GMT
We discuss a selection of 60 second ideas from Forum guests.
01/01/2012 GMT
Four outstanding, young global citizens discuss their aspirations for the future.
07/01/2012 GMT
With a record one billion people now on the move, what is the meaning of home?
14/01/2012 GMT
Should we re-define the limits to everyone’s right to know and to express themselves?
21/01/2012 GMT
Temptation: Can we resist it?
28/01/2012 GMT
What are the risks and rewards of applying scientific experiments to other areas of life?
04/02/2012 GMT
Is there a universal understanding of what constitutes corruption?
11/02/2012 GMT
We tried conquering our body clocks with artificial light but nature fights back.
18/02/2012 GMT
The influence of Fashion on what we wear
25/02/2012 GMT
How much will the current crisis re-shape the way Europe is run?
03/03/2012 GMT
Why facts are just a starting place, a way to make a better question.
10/03/2012 GMT
The impact of water on our health, on economic growth and the life of our imagination.
The insider or outsider: who is best placed to bring about change?
Does thinking outside the establishment box lead to more creative policies?
Digital shadows
How much privacy is possible in a world which is increasingly digital?
What's so bad about behaving badly?
Is it always wrong to be rude and are the seven deadly sins as deadly as they sound?
07/04/2012 GMT
Social entrepreneurship: a partnership of equals?
14/04/2012 GMT
We ask if failure can be the starting point for success.
21/04/2012 GMT
Why do crime thrillers sell when, in life, we strive to avoid being victims of crime?