Tiny and Small plant a little seed, but get too impatient for it to grow. Read more
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The Giant Plant
Tiny and Small plant a little seed, but get too impatient for it to grow.
Small's New Star
Small finds a use for some junk metal dumped on the planet by the Iron Chicken.
Baby Soup Clanger
Baby Soup Clanger decides he wants to be a Clanger instead of a Soup Dragon!
Dragon Day
Small invents a special Dragon Day to thank the Soup Dragon for her kindness.
Home, Sweet Hoot
A little Hoot lands on the Clangers’ planet, causing mayhem with his hooting!
The Little Chill
On a very cold day, the Clangers knit coats to help keep the Skymoos warm.
The Brilliant Surprise
Tiny Clanger is mystified when everyone expects an arrival, but just what is coming?
The Ball
Tiny and Small find an odd, silver ball that glows and rings when it bounces.
Granny And Small
Small is bored so asks Granny to play with him. Let’s follow their adventure!
Star Roses
It’s the one special day when the star roses should bloom, but where are they?
The Box
Small finds some space treasure - but what exactly is it? Maybe Tiny can help find out.
Sweet Music
A radio falls from the sky, and Baby Soup Dragon is especially fascinated by it!
The Chicken Waltz
Tiny’s dance tune is just too difficult for the Iron Chicken to join in with!
The Little Bag
Small gives Tiny a lovely, surprising, little bag which he caught in space.
The Golden Planet
Major sees a golden planet through his telescope, but it’s not what it seems.