Friday, 18 February, 2005 16:44 Should hunting continue?
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 | The
New Forest Hounds |
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New Forest was created as a royal hunting ground almost 900 years ago and hunting
has taken place in the area ever since -
hunting with dogs finally became illegal at midnight on 18th February, but
should it be allowed to continue? |
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Join the debate, add
your commentsTrudi
& Mel, Poole | Comment:
Fox hunting, cruel, barbaric totally unnecessary. Ban it Now... The poor foxes
- what the hunters are short of is seeing one of their own subjected to a kill
by a pack of wolves - Then they might think twice !! | |
File, Southampton | Comment:
In my opinion hunting is cruel, disgusting, barbaric and should be banned. I view
hunters as dangerous people who enjoy killing. | |
San Francisco | Comment:
I can't take my cats home to the UK because of the paranoia regarding foxes and
rabies in the UK. These are vermin and NOT a cute pets. The number of foxes killed
is minimal. Put your energy into something more useful to ban--like how you raise
chickens in the UK, preventing juvenile pregnancies, and how you dye your peas
green!!!!!! | |
Mardon, New Milton | Comment:
Brown, Southampton | Comment:
I grew up in, and have worked in the country. It is there that I became a hunt
saboteur. I have seen hunting at first hand. I have been at the kill - many riders
are not. Hunting should be consigned to the history books along with bear baiting
As for Janet George's comments about democracy bludegeoning minorities,
I noticed the hunting set had no such qualms when trying to undermine the right
to protest with the Criminal Justice Act 1994. But then, it served their purpose,
didn't it?
Do not be fooled by "liberty" argument. Hunters are only
interested in using their liberty to deny an animal's life, inflict cruelty and
further to curtail the liberty of other country dwellers by trespassing, damaging
land and livestock and intimidating their opponents. | |
Wimbourne | Comment:
I think hunting should stay it provides jobs, and a means of getting rid of all
dead farm stock where will they go if the hunt dont take care of them? Also the
New Forest was put aside as a hunting ground and we wouldnt have this beautful
national forest if it wasnt for hunting!
A lot of consideration needs
to go into the banning of hunting how can peole say they dont agree with it if
they havent experienced it or seen it first hand? Its like saying you dont like
football without having a clue what it is about.
Although I am a hunt
supporter I think if people know exactly what is envolved in hunting and the good
they do for the countryside then an educated opinion can be made but just not
liking it for the reason that foxes are cute is mad because they are not. | |
Lane, Lymington | Comment:
I live in Lymington and prior to this I lived in Cannock Chase, another ancient
forest, so I am well aware of country ways. It is my view that Hunting with hounds
is a total barbaric activity in every sense of the word. There can be no justification
for it's continuation.
I have seen for myself the ugly truth behind hunting
and I will take to my grave images which haunt my soul.
A beautiful
Fallow Buck in it's final moments of life collapses before my eyes, unable to
take another step as听hounds surround it. The noise, dogs barking and howling,
whips cracking, horses crashing through undergrowth, men and women hooping and
screaming out strange tribal type cries, the sound, that awful sound of the hunting
horn echoing through the trees.
Thankfully we have seen the end of The
New Forest Buck Hounds, but this tale is one of hundreds I and my friends could
tell. |
Softly, Bournemouth | Comment:
Hunting was introduced to the New Forest as a sport. Today it remains a 'sport'
for a very limited number of people who take a perverse enjoyment from animal
suffering. It is cruel, unnecessary and out-of-date. The New Forest is a haven
for wildlife and should be cherished as such. Ban hunting now ! | |
Heslop, Eastleigh | Comment:
I fully concur with the comments from Roger and Mary. Fox hunting is a completely
unnecessary and cruel activity and must be banned forthwith. I think if Michael
had seen some of the terrible images of what happens to the fox after the hunt
he might have a different view on the matter | |
Heslop, Eastleigh | Comment:
I fully concur with the comments from Roger and Mary. Fox hunting is a completely
unnecessary and cruel activity and must be banned forthwith. I think if Michael
had seen some of the terrible images of what happens to the fox after the hunt
he might have a different view on the matter | |
Sardina, Miami | Comment:
Does anybody else realize that these are just foxes? They have been hunted for
nearly a 1,000 years, not only is it part of your history but also your culture.
To ban hunting would eliminate the last great tie to what used to be
(would Spain ban bullfights?, Brazil its festival?) All of you should strongly
consider what you are about to do. | |
Jay Naylor, Telford | Comment:
Hunting with hounds in all its present forms is inhumane and barbaric.Pest control
methods where needed must be humane, licensed and policed. In the 21st century
it is unacceptable to indulge in such abhorrent cruelty.
Chasing animals
to the point of exhaustion is sickening. New ways of preserving the integrity
of rural life must be positively sought. Drag hunting would be one method of maintaining
the thrill of the chase, and sustaining the rural ecomomy network that relies
on servicing the needs of such lifestyles. | |
Clayton, Isle of Wight | Comment:
I think hunting needs to carry on. Through out the history of the UK people have
depended apon the income and lesiure which this accent sport provides. | |
Robertson, Lyndhurst | Comment:
Janet George's argument that there are many larger targets than hunting does not
Two wrongs do not make a right! Hunting in the New Forest is a
sport and no civilised society should condone a sport that inflicts cruelty on
a wild animal. | |
Matthews, Southampton | Comment:
I get fed up with the patronising manner of the country set that assume we have
no knowledge of their way of life just bewcause we live in a town.
can never be any justification for causing an animal to suffer unecessarily, especially
in the name of 'sport'. | |
Shephard, Tonbridge | Comment:
Hunting with dogs is cruel and unnecessary. It has nothing to do with class as
suggested by Janet George. Fox numbers are not controlled by hunts, but by the
food and territory available. Otherwise why do some hunts breed and feed foxes
for the sole purpose of hunting them down? | |
George, Kidderminster | Comment:
If perceived cruelty is a legitimate reason for banning things, there are many
larger targets than hunting.
Labour MPs want to ban hunting because they
don't like the people who do it, wrongly believing them to be 'upper class Tories'!
Democracy should not be the bludgeoning of a minority by the majority.
more of your comments on hunting here
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