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ID - s12827
Known info - Shops
on unidentified part of Abbeydale Road
suggestions so far:
Joe Canetti - I believe it is on the left side of Abbeydale
road, before Chippinghouse road
Martyn Werner - Looks like Abbeydale with the bottom end
of South View Road in distance (by cart)
Richard Fitzgibbons - This is where Vincent Road joins Abbeydale
Road the corner building used to be a working man's club as there
is still a plaque on the wall giving the date it was opened. From
the late 1960s to about a year ago it was occupied by Bunker and
Pratleys Television Sales and Repairs. I personally worked in this
building for 25 years!!
Anne Marie Kirkham - The middle of this block is Flat 154
Abbeydale Road where I lived in 1980.The flat is situated above
William Hill's Betting shop.
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