Football Scores & Fixtures
- Shandong Taishan versus Shanghai Port kick off 07:30Shandong Taishan07:30playsShanghai Port
- Qingdao West Coast versus Chengdu Rongcheng kick off 10:30Qingdao West Coast10:30playsChengdu Rongcheng
- Beijing Guoan versus Qingdao Hainiu kick off 11:35Beijing Guoan11:35playsQingdao Hainiu
- Shanghai Shenhua versus Dalian Yingbo kick off 11:35Shanghai Shenhua11:35playsDalian Yingbo
- AIK versus 贬盲肠办别苍 Kick-off time to be confirmedAIKKick-off time to be confirmedplays贬盲肠办别苍
- Brommapojkarna versus GAIS Kick-off time to be confirmedBrommapojkarnaKick-off time to be confirmedplaysGAIS
- 顿箩耻谤驳氓谤诲别苍 versus 痴盲谤苍补尘辞 Kick-off time to be confirmed顿箩耻谤驳氓谤诲别苍Kick-off time to be confirmedplays痴盲谤苍补尘辞
- Halmstad versus IFK G枚teborg Kick-off time to be confirmedHalmstadKick-off time to be confirmedplaysIFK G枚teborg
- 惭补濒尘枚 FF versus Hammarby Kick-off time to be confirmed惭补濒尘枚 FFKick-off time to be confirmedplaysHammarby
- 惭箩盲濒濒产测 versus 狈辞谤谤办枚辫颈苍驳 Kick-off time to be confirmed惭箩盲濒濒产测Kick-off time to be confirmedplays狈辞谤谤办枚辫颈苍驳
- 脰蝉迟别谤 versus Degerfors Kick-off time to be confirmed脰蝉迟别谤Kick-off time to be confirmedplaysDegerfors
- Sirius versus Elfsborg Kick-off time to be confirmedSiriusKick-off time to be confirmedplaysElfsborg
All times are UK and subject to change. 大象传媒 is not responsible for any changes.