Inside Lives Stories You are in: Stoke & Staffordshire > Inside Lives > Stories  Neil explains why he nearly met the 'big ref in the sky' after a Stoke City game...  Single mother Andrea explains how university has turned her life around...  Staffordshire has a tradition of keeping the faith. Listen to the stories of local 'Soulies'...  Toni explains why she wrote a poem dedicated to her special friend Luke...  Joy describes how she gradually managed to rebuild her life after a horrific accident  Sometimes, everything you know about your family can change when you look into its history  Paul explains how he overcame cancer and mental illness through a positive outlook on life...  Groundwork takes long-term unemployed people and gets them ready for work again...  Emma met Omar in Stoke on Trent... and then travelled to Iraq to see him and his family  Richard remembers the day he brought an elephant home to meet his mother! More from this section You are in: Stoke & Staffordshire > Inside Lives > Stories |