St Wilfrid's Primary
You are in: Stoke & Staffordshire > Making Waves > Making Waves 2005/2006 > St Wilfrid's Primary School | Pupils at St Wilfrid's Catholic Primary School in Tunstall having been Making Waves about their Christmas experiences... | 
 How many of Santa's reindeer can you remember?... |  | 
 When was the last time you wrote to Santa? What would you ask for now?... | 
 With rumours of Santa sightings in Cannock, pupils from reception investigate... |  | 
 What do you sing at Christmas time? Is Christmas music changing?... | 
 A nativity with a twist. In this stable, the chicken rules the roost... |  | 
 How would Christmas have been different centuries ago? Year 3 investigate, Tudor style!... | 
 All your questions answered in a rare interview with the elusive Mr Claus!... Listen to it here. |  | 
 What is the real meaning of Christmas? And what does it mean to pupils at St Wilfrid's?... | 
 Jay, Libby, Adam and Bethany are putting together something very special... |  | 
 What do you get if you mix Christmas, Children and ingredients? Find out here... | |  |
|  | | You are in: Stoke & Staffordshire > Making Waves > Making Waves 2005/2006 > St Wilfrid's Primary School |  |
