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Pilot ended 1st March 2018
Explore the Twelfth Doctor's TARDIS trailer
Explore the Twelfth Doctor's TARDIS
Transport yourself into the TARDIS! Move around in this stunning 360 interactive tour to look back at highlights from Peter Capaldi鈥檚 adventures as the Twelfth Doctor.

The Inside Story

We caught up with Gavin Collinson, Content Producer for Doctor Who, to find out more about Explore the Twelfth Doctor's TARDIS

So what’s this all about?

To celebrate the end of Peter Capaldi’s time as the Doctor, we wanted to create an interactive experience, where people can get the chance to step inside the TARDIS themselves and take a look around the Doctor’s ‘frankly magnificent’ home. You’ll be able to move around and explore, and as it’s a time machine, you’re also able to pop back in time and revisit some of the Twelfth Doctor’s most memorable moments with clips and photos celebrating his era.

In building this, did you experience any challenges along the way?

We started with some really lovely high-resolution 360 images taken by my colleague Suzy Walters, and I’ve been selecting some great clips and photos from Peter Capaldi’s time as the Twelfth Doctor. There are too many great moments to include them all, so we had to be quite selective and focus on some nice clips and images that feature this incarnation of the TARDIS. We wanted to get the right balance between being able to move around and explore the space and also discover additional content.

The TARDIS is fairly symmetrical, so it can get a bit confusing to navigate exactly where you are at times. For this reason, we’ve kept the tour fairly simple. It will be interesting to see the feedback to see if we’ve got the balance right between finding content and exploring around. Do please rate the experience and let us know your thoughts.

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Explore the Twelfth Doctor's TARDIS