Watch Kiara deliver a music lesson to a mixed group of children who have different special needs, some have a developmental age of 4 to 7-years-old and others who have a visual impairment.
Kiara wants her learners to interact more with the music and thinks this lesson is suitable for her group. The steps she takes are:
- listen to Take You Home on Play It!
- explore a variety of sensory resources to be used in the activities
- include technology in music making
- let each child explore and experiment with the musical instruments
- play along with the song as an ensemble
Use the Take You Home resources to help plan your activities.
Resources for young disabled learners or those with additional support needs
Prepare a class for learners with Down's syndrome and autism with lesson resources and tips.
Prepare a multisensory learning journey for young disabled learners.
Teacher Techniques: Be In The Band. video
Watch a group of physically restricted children engage with musical instruments and technology in a bid to better class participation.
Taj and Anonna discuss the available music resources including technology, instruments and body percussion.