
Red Riding Hood and her Ma make a cake for Grandma who lives in the woods鈥ut when Ma hurts her ankle Red Riding Hood must take it there alone.

The tutorial video

Tutorial 3: Learn the song 'Let's make a cake for Grandma!'

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Song: 'Let's make a cake for Grandma!'

  • Note how the words in each line of the chorus are repeated, but each time the music changes, getting higher and getting lower.

  • Talk about the different ingredients which are needed for the cake and how they appear in each verse.

  • Notice how all the ingredients are mixed up in Verse 4!

Sing with the full-vocal version of 'Let's make a cake for Grandma!'

Sing with the backing track of 'Let's make a cake for Grandma!'

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Part 3 of the story

Part 3 of the story

Red Riding Hood has been cooking pancakes for breakfast. We hear how Grandma lives in a little cottage in the woods and how once a week Red Riding Hood and her Ma walk there to visit her. Today's visit will be special, because Grandma hasn't been very well and Red Riding Hood wants to cheer her up by making a cake for her. Red Riding Hood goes to the shop to buy ingredients, where Mrs Midgley is still thinking about wolves. Later Red Riding Hood is making the cake when she hears a crash from upstairs in the bedroom: Ma has fallen over and hurt her ankle. Red Riding Hood will have to walk through the woods on her own for the first time鈥

for the illustrated transcript of the story episode.

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Literacy links

Year 1: Discuss what ingredients are needed to make a cake. Act out the things you need to do to make a cake - eg stir in the flour and beat the eggs. The children draw or write a list of the ingredients that are needed.

Year 2: Talk about all the things that you need to do to make a really delicious cake - eg sieve the flour, beat the eggs, stir in the sugar. Children make up their own recipe to make a tasty cake and talk about the method.

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Music activity 3

Music activity

  • The focus of the activity is clapping in time with the beat.

  • The children clap slowly in time to the music, following Sarah Jane. Then they clap at double the speed鈥nd finally double the speed again. Children need to focus on clapping with the beat.

  • Extend the activity by clapping some fast and slow rhythms and inviting the class to copy them, focusing on keeping in time. In pairs, the children can work together to create some fast and slow rhythms, then share them with the group.

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An extract from '2nd movement' of 'Symphony No 5' by Beethoven (1804 - 1808).

Listening music

2nd movement from Symphony No 5, by Ludwig van Beethoven (1804-1808).

  • What does the music make the children think of? What images come to mind?

  • What is the speed - or tempo - of the music? (It is slow). What is the dynamic? (It is quiet).

  • Can the children hear the low instrument at the beginning? It's called a cello, part of the string section of the orchestra. Later some higher instruments play the same melody too. These are flutes, part of the wind section.

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Comprehension quiz

Five questions about the story.

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Download / print Teacher's Notes (pdf)

Teacher's Notes

Download / print the music (pdf)

Music - Let's make a cake for Grandma!

Download / print the lyrics (pdf)

Lyrics - Let's make a cake for Grandma!

Vocal warm-up video

Sing the vocal warm-up (video)

Vocal warm-up

Meet the characters. image

A slideshow of images showing the characters in the story

Meet the characters

Download / print the story (pdf)

Story transcript
Red divider line

Watch next

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The very hungry Wolf is out on the prowl looking for food. He's not having any luck so he creeps towards the village, where he sees Red Riding Hood in her garden. Perhaps his luck has changed...

Song 2. Wolfie blues

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