
Jim rows out to the Hispaniola hoping to take possession of the ship鈥ut there are pirates on board.

7. A fight and the 'Hispaniola' captured

Jim cannot sleep. He knows something needs to be done, but he's not sure what.

He slips away in the night, making his way towards the shore. He finds an old boat that Ben Gunn had told him about and rows out to the Hispaniola. He can hear the two pirates left on board - O'Brien and Hands - arguing, so he ties up along the ship, cuts the anchor rope to set the ship adrift, and waits for morning.

When Jim climbs on board the next morning he finds that Hands has killed O'Brien during their argument the previous night and that Hands is also badly wounded.

Jim goes below deck to get Hands a drink. While he does so Hands conceals a knife in his coat pocket, ready for Jim's return.

When Jim comes up on deck once more Hands makes a lunge at him. Jim climbs the mast and Hands pursues him. Jim is carrying a gun and at the final moment Jim shoots and Hands falls from the mast to the sea. Jim has killed him.


Guidance, worksheets and follow-up activities for use in school and at home (pdf)

Resource Pack

Meet the characters. image

A quick guide to the characters in Treasure Island.

Meet the characters

Number the images on the PDF to place the events of the story in the correct order.

Sequencing activity

Download / print a worksheet exploring Jim's positive actions (pdf)

Resource Sheet 7

Download / print illustrations for follow-up activities (pdf)

Resource Sheet - Illustrations

More from this series

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Jim's friends have taken refuge in an old stockade...but the pirates are advancing.

6. The stockade and the pirates attack

8. The pirates parley and the black spot. video

Jim returns to the stockade to discover that it is now in the hands of the pirates

8. The pirates parley and the black spot

9. An empty pit and Ben Gunn's surprise. video

Silver and his crew follow the map inland...but someone has beaten them to the treasure

9. An empty pit and Ben Gunn's surprise