
Themes: the Christian festival of Lent; Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday; making a sacrifice.

Summary: This assembly celebrates the Christian festival of Lent - the forty days preceding Easter. The video begins by explaining that the forty days of Lent mirror the forty days Jesus spent in the wilderness, where he overcame temptation from the devil. The video then moves on to some of the customs associated with Lent, including Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday.

Resources: The , an and .

The video

Lent is the forty days preceding Easter in the Christian calendar.

It remembers the forty days that Jesus spent in the wilderness, when he was tempted by the devil.

By observing Lent and making a 'Lenten sacrifice' Christians remember and reflect on this period of Jesus' life, prior to the celebrations of Easter.

The video includes a short animation of Jesus in the wilderness being tempted by the devil.

It then moves on to some familiar aspects of Lent - including Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday - before exploring the relationship of Lent to the festival of Easter.

Duration: 4' 28"

Final words: '鈥hich makes Easter Sunday even more special.'

Video questions

  1. How long is Lent? (Forty days)
  2. What does Lent commemorate? (The forty days that Christians believe Jesus spent in the wilderness)
  3. In what ways did the devil tempt Jesus? (Turn stones into bread; to be saved by angels; all the kingdoms in the world)
  4. What is a 'Lenten Sacrifice'? (Giving something up for Lent, thereby mirroring the sacrifices made by Jesus)
  5. What is the day before Lent? (Shrove Tuesday - which has also become known as Pancake Day)
  6. What happens at the end of Lent? (The festival of Easter - a time of celebration and a time to feast!)

Key links

Download / print the assembly framework ready for use

Assembly framework (pdf)

Click to display the image full-size

Image: symbols associated with Christianity and Lent

Click to display the image full-size

Image: receiving the cross of ashes

Suggested framework

1. Entry
You could play the instrumental track of one of the 'Suggested songs' - available here.

2. Introduction
Tell the assembly that today they will be finding out about the Christian festival of Lent. Explain to the group that this is an important period leading up to Easter, when Christians show their dedication to God. While they watch the video, ask them to think about the reasons that people often give something up during Lent.

3. The video
Play the video. The duration is 4' 28" and the final words are: '鈥hich makes Easter Sunday even more special.'

4. Time to talk
Ask everyone: Please turn to the person next to you and ask them if they are giving anything up for Lent, and if so, what it is. Or, If you were to show your inner strength by giving something up for six weeks, what would it be?

Then lead a discussion about the video to help children consolidate their learning about the festival and its significance.

  • When does Lent take place? (During the spring - specifically, the forty days before Easter)
  • Can anyone remember some of the ways the devil tempted Jesus in the desert? (Turn rocks into bread; jump from a building and have angels save him; worship the devil instead of God in return for earthly riches). Follow up with: Jesus managed to resist all of these temptations. What do you think this proved to the devil? (That Jesus' love for God was absolute. Look for an awareness that Jesus only needed his faith in God to sustain him in the desert)
  • Why do Christians give up something during Lent? (To remember the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert and copy his sacrifice)
  • Why do we traditionally make pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Lent? (Eggs, milk and butter were common Lenten sacrifices, and would go off in the 40 days of lent - so people made pancakes with them to use them up)
  • Can you remember what happens in church on Ash Wednesday? (People are marked on the forehead with a cross of ashes). Follow up with: What does the cross of ashes represent? (It reminds Christians of their sins and symbolises dependence on God)
  • What do the chocolate eggs we eat at Easter represent? (The egg represents new life, to celebrate Jesus being resurrected - but the chocolate is also a tasty treat after 40 days of Lent!)

5. Time to sing
Suggested songs from 大象传媒 collections below.

6. Opportunity for reflection
Focus your reflection on how giving up something we love can help to make us grateful for what we have. For example:
Sit quietly now and in the stillness think about a luxury that you might give up for Lent鈥
Think about the fact that many people around the world might never have an opportunity to enjoy that luxury鈥
Making a Lenten Sacrifice helps Christians show their dedication to God鈥
And the festival of Lent can teach us all to be thankful for the things we enjoy the rest of the year鈥

7. Opportunity for prayer
Begin with your usual form of address (Dear God, Dear Lord, Let us pray, etc) and:
We understand that there are times when we may feel tempted.
Give us the strength to resist temptation.
Help us to be grateful for the luxuries we enjoy and to find ways to help those who are less fortunate.

Suggested songs

'God is watching over you' (All about our school, no 7)

The Lord's my shepherd - Come and Praise, no 56

Song: 'While we live we learn' (All about our school, no 3. Vocal version)

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