This cannon-ball was fired from Castle Cornet, a Royalist stronghold, when the rest of the Island was Parliamentarian.This cannonball was found in the Town Church in St Peter Port. Being made of limestone indicates that it originated either in England or France. It was probably fired into the church from a cannon at Castle Cornet in the harbour mouth. The castle was the home of Guernsey's governor who was appointed by the king. As a result, during the English Civil War the castle became a Royalist stronghold. Guernsey itself, however, supported the Parliamentarians. The island and the castle exchanged cannon and musket fire for the best part of ten years, causing much damage to the castle and the St. Peter Port waterfront. The castle relied heavily on supplies from the neighbouring island of Jersey, which was also Royalist. However, Jersey's Royalists were eventually subdued and Castle Cornet was forced to surrender. The fortification was the last point of Royalist resistance in the British Isles.
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