This helmet is from a man who fought in the Vietnam War. My father bought it in Portobello market when he was 10, for £7. This object was used to protect the soldiers' heads during battle. The helmet comes in three pieces; it has an inner lining which is made from a plastic like material, a steel outer shell which is an olive green colour and a camouflaged cloth cover. The inner lining has rust coloured stains, which have been tested and proven to be blood.
There is writing on the outer shell and on the strap of the helmet. The writing on the outer shell says "Soul Man Lee" and "Willie Lee", the writing on the strap says "St. Louis". My family did some research on it and found that the helmet probably belonged to Willie Lee Shegog from St. Louis, Missouri. Wille Lee was born on the 19/12/46, he went to Vietnam on the 30/06/67 and died on the 29/11/67 aged just 20.
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