
How the UK population is changing in the 21st century - OCRChanges to the demographic transition model

The UK has undergone considerable changes to its population structure in terms of both age and ethnic composition.

Part of GeographyUK in the 21st century

Changes to the demographic transition model

As with many other the UK's population has gone through the demographic transition model.

Death rate decreased between the first census and the Second World War. Birth rate remained high until the 1900s, leading to natural increase. It peaked recently during the post-war baby boom.

The UK's population rapidly rose between 1760 and 1880 as death rates fell due to better sanitation and food supplies whilst birth rates remained high (Stage 1). There was then slower growth up to 1940 as death rates continued to drop due to medical advances but birth rates dropped rapidly due to the use of birth control and the of the country (Stage 3). By 1940 the UK entered stage 4, the low fluctuating stage.