
Reasons for immigration in the Modern Era 1900 - present - OCR AFinding work in Britain

Immigration was usually due to a search for work or safety. Numbers grew in the late 20th and early 21st centuries because of the EU鈥檚 free movement policies and humanitarian crises in many countries.

Part of HistoryMigration to Britain c1000 to c2010

Finding work in Britain

controls in the early 20th century made it difficult for people to settle in Britain. One group which did manage to put down roots were immigrant seamen hired to work on merchant ships. This was a result of many white seamen being called to serve in the armed forces during World War One and World War Two. Others included West African stowaways on cargo ships.

After World War Two, a mass immigration of people coming to work in Britain began. Many of the early arrivals were from the West Indies, South Asia and Cyprus. The most famous arrival was of people from the Caribbean, mainly Jamaica and Trinidad, on the ship Empire Windrush in 1948. This is sometimes mistakenly referred to as the first arrival of black people in Britain.

Reasons why people from the Commonwealth immigrated to the UK after World War Two

As the UK economy picked up and then boomed in the late 1950s and 1960s, migrants from India, East and West Pakistan, Nigeria, Ghana and many other countries came to work in the textile factories of the North of England and the engineering factories of the Midlands. During the 1980s and 1990s many people from countries outside the Commonwealth or the , such as Colombia, Morocco and the Philippines, came to fill low-paid jobs as waiters, cleaners and chambermaids.

Under the European Union鈥檚 鈥榝ree movement of workers鈥, hundreds of thousands of women and men from EU countries came to the UK in the 21st century. The largest number of came from Poland and they worked mainly in the service sector.