
Society - Hobbies with bilingual transcript

You can follow the conversation text in Gaelic and English below and use it to help guide your own answer.

Ceistean 骋脿颈诲丑濒颈驳English translation
An inns thu beagan a bharrachd dhomh mu dheidhinn do chur-seachad ma-th脿?Can you tell me a little more about your hobby?
Cuin a th貌isich thu air a' ph矛ob-mh貌ir?When did you start playing the bagpipes?
Am bi thu a' cluich sp貌rs sam bith (eile)?Do you play any (other) sport?
Am bi thu a' coimhead鈥?Do you watch鈥?
An urrainn dhut sn脿mh?Can you swim?
Ceistean 骋脿颈诲丑濒颈驳An inns thu beagan a bharrachd dhomh mu dheidhinn do chur-seachad ma-th脿?
English translationCan you tell me a little more about your hobby?
Ceistean 骋脿颈诲丑濒颈驳Cuin a th貌isich thu air a' ph矛ob-mh貌ir?
English translationWhen did you start playing the bagpipes?
Ceistean 骋脿颈诲丑濒颈驳Am bi thu a' cluich sp貌rs sam bith (eile)?
English translationDo you play any (other) sport?
Ceistean 骋脿颈诲丑濒颈驳Am bi thu a' coimhead鈥?
English translationDo you watch鈥?
Ceistean 骋脿颈诲丑濒颈驳An urrainn dhut sn脿mh?
English translationCan you swim?

Practice conversation - Society - Hobbies

An inns thu beagan a bharrachd dhomh mu dheidhinn do chur-seachad ma-th脿?

Uill mar a thuirt mi roimhe, tha mi a' smaoineachadh gu bheil mi math air ce貌l agus 's e p矛obaireachd an ce貌l as fhe脿rr leam.

Well as I said before, I think that I am good at music and piping is my favourite music.

Cuin a th貌isich thu air a' ph矛ob-mh貌ir?

Tha mi a' smaoineachadh gun robh mi mu sheachd. Fhuair mi seata a bha aig br脿thair mo sheanar, ach b' fheudar dhomh t貌iseachadh air an fheadan oir bha mi ro bheag. 'S f矛or thoigh leam p矛obaireachd. Tha 霉idh mh貌r agam ann an eachdraidh nam port, na sgeulachdan agus rudan mar sin. Tha c貌mhlain p矛oba air feadh an t-saoghail agus bidh iad a' tighinn cruinn c貌mhla. An toigh leibh fh猫in p矛obaireachd?

I think I was about seven. I got a set from my grandfather's brother, but I had to start on the chanter because I was too small. I really like piping. I have a big interest in the history of the tunes, the stories and things like that. There are pipe bands all over the world and they come together. Do you like piping?

Is toigh l'. B' 脿bhaist dhomh a bhith a' cluich nuair a bha mi gl猫 貌g, agus san 脿rd-sgoil ach cha do lean mi orm an d猫idh dhomh an sgoil fh脿gail. A-nis, am bi thu a' cluich sp貌rs sam bith?

Bithidh. Bidh mi a' cluich ball-coise airson sgioba a' bhaile. Chan eil mi ro mhath ach tha e a' c貌rdadh rium. Bidh mi a' cluich aig a' ch霉l. 'S e ball-coise an sp貌rs as fhe脿rr leam gun teagamh sam bith. Nuair a bhios mi a' dol dhachaigh, cuiridh mi air an TBh agus coimheadaidh mi g猫am sam bith. Tha mi air mo bhe貌-ghlacadh leis. Is e Barcelona agus Cille Mhe脿rnaig an d脿 sgioba as fhe脿rr leam. A bheil 霉idh agaibhse ann an sp貌rs?

Yes. I play football for the town team. I am not too good but I enjoy it. I play at the back. Football is my favourite sport without a doubt. When I go home, I'll put on the TV and watch any game. I am fascinated by it. Barcelona and Kilmarnock are my two favourite teams. Are you interested in sport?

Tha. Cha toigh leam ball-coise idir. Is f矛or thoigh leam rugbaidh ge-t脿. Am bi thu a' coimhead rugbaidh?

Cha bhi! Is lugha orm rugbaidh. Tha mi a' smaoineachadh gur e sp貌rs g貌rach a th' ann. Chluich sinn e ann an Sp貌rs agus cha do ch貌rd e rium idir. Tha mi den bheachd gu bheil e d貌rainneach agus b' fhe脿rr leam a bhith a' cluich ball-coise no a' coimhead ball-coise.

No. I can't stand rugby. I think it is a silly sport. We played it in PE and I did not enjoy it at all. I am of the opinion that it is boring and I would prefer to be playing football or watching football.

An urrainn dhut sn脿mh?

Is urrainn. Tha mi math air sn脿mh. Tha e cuideachail airson a bhith a' cumail fiot agus fallain. Tha e feumail a bhith ag eacarsaich tric airson a bhith math air ball-coise agus saoilidh mi gu bheil sn脿mh nas fhe脿rr na ruith airson na bodhaig. Tha mi a' creidsinn gu bheil mi ag ithe gu fallain agus gu bheil daithead mhath agam. Bidh mi ag ithe t貌rr mheasan agus ghlasraich agus bidh mi ag 貌l d脿 liotair de dh'uisge gach latha. A bheil d貌igh-beatha fhallain agaibhse?

Yes. I am good at swimming. It is helpful for keeping fit and healthy. It's useful to exercise regularly to be good at football and I believe swimming is better for the body than running. I believe that I do eat healthily and that I have a good diet. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and I drink two litres of water a day. Do you have a healthy lifestyle?

Gu m矛-fhortanach, cha chreid mi gu bheil. Bidh mi ag ithe cus rudan l脿n de shi霉car agus de gheir. Tha mi ro sg矛th nuair a th猫id mi dhachaigh aig deireadh an latha 脿s d猫idh na sgoile airson a bhith a' c貌caireachd. Am bi thu fh猫in ag obair?

Bithidh. Tha obair ph脿irt-霉ine agam c貌mhla ri br脿thair m' athar鈥

You'll find the third part of the conversation, and the answer to this final question, in the Revision guide Employment - Work.