
Sentence completion

Foundation tier papers may include questions in which you have to complete a sentence. Some of these questions include words to choose from in a box. You do not have to use all the words - some of them will be wrong.

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Sample question 1 - Foundation

The image shows the chemical symbols of five elements in the periodic table.

A version of the periodic table showing only a few elements and periodic groups

Choose the correct chemical symbol from the image to complete each sentence.


a) The element that is an alkali metal is ______ [1 mark]

b) The element in group 4 is ______ [1 mark]

c) The element with a full outer shell of electrons is ______ [1 mark]

Sample question 2 - Foundation


Chlorine reacts with sodium bromide solution to produce bromine and one other product.

Complete the word equation for the reaction. [1 mark]

chlorine + sodium bromide 鈫 bromine + ______