
PrepositionsPrepositions with ‘na’

A preposition is a word that tells you where or when something is in relation to something else. Examples of prepositions include words like after, before, on, under, inside and outside.

Part of Irish – Learners (CCEA)Grammar

Prepositions with ‘na’

Image caption,
na cailíní
  • na is the Irish word for the, in the plural - for example na cailíní (the girls)
  • an is the Irish word for the, in the singular - for example an cailín (the girl)
Image caption,
an cailín

When we put na (the) after a , we do nothing to the following word.

Do nothing to the folowing word:

ag na

as na

leis na

chuig na


faoi na

fá na

ar na

do na

de na

roimh na

thar na

ó na

tríd na

For example, ag na deascanna.

What should be done to the words in brackets in the sentences below?


Thug mé bia do na (cait).


Chuir mé im sna (plataí).


Fuair sé míle punt ó na (fir).


Bhí na leabhair ar na (táblaí).


Chuir sé na leabhair faoi na (boscaí).