
Primary storage - EduqasPrimary storage

Primary storage is a key component of a computer system that enables it to function. Primary storage includes random access memory (RAM), read only memory (ROM), cache and flash memory. Each of these have different uses within the computer.

Part of Computer ScienceUnderstanding Computer Science

Primary storage

(also known as main ) is the component of the computer that holds , and that are currently in use.

Primary storage is located on the . As a result, data can be read from and written to primary storage extremely quickly. This gives the fast access to the data and instructions that the primary storage holds.

There are four types of primary storage:

The two main types of primary storage are ROM, which is , and RAM, which is . Non-volatile memory keeps its contents even when the computer is switched off. Volatile memory loses its contents when power is lost.

Primary storage is comparatively limited in size, especially when compared with . In a modern personal computer, primary storage is often around 4 in size.