
Moles and masses - Higher

The of a substance can be calculated from the number of , and the number of moles of a substance can be calculated from its mass. The link between the two quantities is the .

Calculating masses

The mass of a given amount of substance is calculated using:

mass = relative atomic or formula mass 脳 amount

Worked example

Calculate the mass of 0.25 mol of carbon dioxide molecules. (Mr of CO2 = 44)

Mass = relative formula mass 脳 amount

= 44 脳 0.25

= 11 g

Worked example

Calculate the mass of 0.10 mol of iron. (Ar of Fe = 56)

Mass = 56 脳 0.10

= 5.6 g

The calculation is the same if a substance is a metal or exists as separate atoms, but its Ar is used instead of an Mr.

Calculating amounts in moles

Use Ar instead of Mr for metals or separate atoms.

Worked example

Calculate the amount of carbon atoms in 6.0 g of carbon. (Ar of C = 12)

Amount = \(\frac{\textup{mass}}{A_{\textup{r}}}\)

Amount = \(\frac{\textup{6.0}}{\textup{12}} \)

= 0.5 mol


Calculate the amount of water molecules in 36 g of water. (Mr of water = 18)