

is the period leading up to Christmas. It starts on the Sunday nearest to 30 November and ends on the fourth Sunday before 25 December.

The word 'advent' means 'coming'. It is a time of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Many Advent customs involve counting the days until Christmas comes, such as the use of a chocolate Advent calendar.

Image caption,
A typical nativity scene depicting the birth of Christ

Some churches have an Advent with five candles, one for each of the four Sundays leading up to and one for Christmas Day itself. There are different readings on each of the four Sundays leading up to Christmas Day.

Photograph of advent wreath with four lit candles

An advent wreath with four candles lit. The fifth candle is lit on Christmas day.

Purple is the usual used during Advent in the UK. The colour is often used for hangings around the church, the , and the .

In some Christian , blue (representing hope) is an alternative colour for Advent.

What Advent means for Christians today

Advent reminds Christians of the meaning of Christmas. Despite the secular preparations taking place, eg buying presents and going to parties, Advent reminds Christians to remember and prepare for the birth of Jesus. They may also attend as part of Advent.

One important aspect of Advent in the Church, especially before 16 December, is to prepare for the of Christ, in judgement, at the end of time.