Can you talk about your GCSE subjects?
Part of Irish – Learners (CCEA)School life, studies and work
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Read the following sentences and write in Irish the subject being discussed.
Is ábhar tábhachtach é. Bíonn figiúirí in úsáid ann.
The answer is Mata. It is an important subject. Figures are used in it.
Léann muid a lán úrscéalta san ábhar seo.
The answer is é. We read a lot of novels in this subject.
Déanann muid staidéar ar an aimsir, tíortha agus an domhan.
The answer is íDZídz. We study the weather, countries and the world.
Foghlaimíonn muid faoi bhogearraí agus crua-earraí.
The answer is ídz. We learn about software and hardware.
Bíonn muid ag cócaireacht gach seachtain.
The answer is Eacnamaíocht Bhaile. We cook every week.
Imríonn muid a lán spórt.
The answer is Corpoideachas / Corpoiliúint. We play a lot of sports.
Déanann muid turgnaimh.
The answer is Eolaíocht / Ceimic / Fisic. We do experiments.
Pléann muid creidimh agus Dia.
The answer is Teagasc Críostaí. We discuss beliefs and God.
Éistim agus labhraím i dteanga eile.
The answer is Gaeilge / Spáinnis / Fraincis. I listen and speak in another language.
Seinnim ar uirlisí éagsúla.
The answer is Ceol. I play on various instruments.