
Some uses of radioactivity: in industry

To control the thickness of metal or paper

Radioactive sources are used in industry to control the thickness of metal or paper as it is rolled into thin sheet.

An is placed on one side of a sheet and a on the other.

If the thickness of the sheet remains constant the activity will not change.

If there is a change in thickness, the activity increases or decreases.

This can trigger the rollers to squeeze harder or less hard to maintain the correct thickness.

A beta source is used because beta radiation can penetrate paper or thin aluminium, but the amount of penetrating will vary sufficiently as thickness changes.

The source should have a long so that the count rate remains almost constant each day and so that it does not need to be replaced too frequently.

Graphic shows how radiation absorbed by aluminium foil is used to gauge the thickness of a material by measuring the radiation that passes through. The foil is between an emitter and a detector.

To check for leaks in water pipes

Water supplies can be contaminated with a gamma-emitting radioactive source to find leaks in pipes.

Where there is a leak, contaminated water seeps into the ground, causing a build-up of gamma emissions in that area.

The build-up of gamma emissions can be found using a .

This makes it easier to decide where to dig to find the leak without having to dig along the whole length of the pipe.

Gamma rays concentrated at the pipe leak, underneath the a normal residential road.

The radioactive source used for this purpose must:

  • be a gamma emitter to penetrate the ground and road surface;
  • have a half-life of at least several days to allow the emissions to build up in the soil but not too long so that exposure is limited as it will form part of the water supply.