
Vitamin D



Vitamin D comes from the sun, so we get some vitamin D every day from our skin's exposure to sunlight.

However, this can be a problem for some people. Groups at risk include older adults, those who are house-bound, those who follow religions where the skin should be covered and those who work long hours indoors.

Oily fish

Therefore, it is important that we get some vitamin D from our diet. It can be obtained from the following sources:

  • eggs
  • meat
  • oily fish
  • margarine
  • breakfast cereals


There are two conditions that can occur as a result of a lack of vitamin D in the diet.

In children a deficiency of vitamin D is called rickets – a condition affecting bone development that can lead to deformity of the skeleton.

In adults, this is called osteomalacia – a very painful condition caused by the bones being weak, or 'soft'.

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