
Introduction to fieldwork – WJECWriting up the fieldwork report

Geography fieldwork involves posing questions about geographical concepts, gathering data, analysing the results and reaching conclusions. Fieldwork is often written up as a report. There are six stages of the report which are required.

Part of GeographyFieldwork enquiry

Writing up the fieldwork report

Fieldwork is normally written up as a report or an extended piece of writing.

The six stages of a fieldwork report are:

  1. Introduction - within this section you are required to pose questions about a range of geographical concepts and methods.
  2. Data collection - describe and justify the way the data was collected. This should be done in lots of detail, so that someone else could repeat the study using the same instructions. Include a map of sites, approximate timings and detailed explanations of how and where to take each measurement. Be clear on what the main methodological approach used was, eg transects. State whether each data collection technique collects or . Justify the sample size and the sampling technique used.
  3. Data presentation - tables are difficult to interpret and so data must be presented in different ways. Graphs and charts are useful as they help to see patterns within data. Choose which types of graph or chart to use. Accurate presentation of data helps to form conclusions to the enquiry. Data that is badly presented is very difficult to understand.
  4. Analysis - process the data and discuss patterns. Are there any clear trends or are there ? Quote figures and places and use geographical terminology.
  5. Conclusion - this short section should draw together the results to answer the enquiry question.
  6. Evaluation - this considers the strengths and weaknesses of the data collection, identifies anomalies and the limitations of the conclusions. It will identify possible improvements, extensions or new questions that have arisen. It is acceptable to talk about weaknesses, as long as improvements can be suggested.