
Perfect tense - word order

The last thing to remember when using the perfect tense is the correct word order.

The has to go second (the second idea - not necessarily the second word) and then the past participle goes at the end.

Look at these example sentences:

A table of sentences showing the perfect tense.


Put these sentences into the correct order and translate them into English:

  • gelesen - ein - haben - Buch - wir
  • habe - gefunden - ich - Portemonnaie - ein
  • Buch - sie - gelesen - hat - das
  • radgefahren - sind - wir
  • mit - gesprochen - dem - habe - Lehrer - ich


Of course, if you want to say that you didn鈥檛 do something, then you will need to add the word nicht or kein.

You use nicht when a verb:

  • Der B眉rgermeister hat die Currywurst nicht gegessen. 鈥 The mayor didn鈥檛 eat the curried sausage.

You add kein when negating a noun:

  • Ich habe keine Geschwister. 鈥 I have no siblings.

Did you know?

Currywurst is a typical German dish. You can buy it in most German fast-food kiosks, which are called Schnellimbisse or Imbissstuben.

Currywurst consists of Bratwurst served with a tomato and curry-flavoured sauce which is sprinkled with curry powder. It is often served with fries 鈥 Currywurst mit Pommes.

It has become such an iconic dish since its invention in 1949 that candidates for the post of mayor of Berlin 鈥 Berliner B眉rgermeister 鈥 are photographed eating Currywurst.

There is even a museum in Berlin 鈥 Deutsches Currywurst Museum 鈥 which is entirely dedicated to the humble dish.

Curried sausage with ketchup on paper plate