
Future tenseWhat is the future tense?

Conveying the future in German can be done in several ways - by using werden, by combining the present tense with future time phrases, or by using phrases like ich hoffe, ich plane zu, ich habe vor.

Part of GermanGrammar

What is the future tense?

We use the future tense in German to talk about our plans for the future. This could be what you are going to have for tea this evening, or something you will do in many years to come.

In English it can mean that you 'will' or are 'going to' do something.

There are three steps to forming the future tense in German.

  1. Select your , eg ich, du, wir etc.
  2. Use part of the verb werden as an .
  3. Select the verb you want to use. This goes to the end of the clause or sentence.