
Polymer uses

Different have different . This means that different polymers have different uses.

Poly(ethene) is used to make polytunnels, sheltering crops from the weather
Image caption,
Poly(ethene) is used to make polytunnels, sheltering crops from the weather

The table gives examples of polymers, their common names, and their typical properties and uses.

Poly(ethene) 'polythene'Flexible, cheap, can be made into thin filmsCarrier bags, shampoo bottles, food wrap
Poly(propene) 'polypropylene'Flexible, strong, resists shatteringBuckets, bowls, crates, ropes, carpets
Poly(chloroethene) 'PVC'Tough, electrical insulator, can be made hard or flexibleInsulation for electrical wires, windows, gutters, pipes
Poly(tetrafluoroethene) 'PFTE'Slippery, chemically unreactiveNon-stick coatings for pans, containers for laboratory substances
PolymerPoly(ethene) 'polythene'
PropertiesFlexible, cheap, can be made into thin films
UsesCarrier bags, shampoo bottles, food wrap
PolymerPoly(propene) 'polypropylene'
PropertiesFlexible, strong, resists shattering
UsesBuckets, bowls, crates, ropes, carpets
PolymerPoly(chloroethene) 'PVC'
PropertiesTough, electrical insulator, can be made hard or flexible
UsesInsulation for electrical wires, windows, gutters, pipes
PolymerPoly(tetrafluoroethene) 'PFTE'
PropertiesSlippery, chemically unreactive
UsesNon-stick coatings for pans, containers for laboratory substances