

Martin Luther King standing in front of a waterfall and river.
Figure caption,
Martin Luther King's 1963 'I Have a Dream' speech

The purpose of King鈥檚 speech was to end racism in America and persuade the audience that everyone should have equal rights.

How does he use language to deliver a strong message?

King uses 鈥渦ntil justice rolls down like waters鈥 and 鈥渞ighteousness like a mighty stream鈥 to make the reader visualise 鈥渏ustice鈥 and 鈥渞ighteousness鈥 as rushing water 鈥 implying that they need to be forceful and unstoppable.

Exam questions may ask you to comment on how writers use language to make an impression on the reader.

You should select words and phrases for - to show that you understand how language features affect the reader.

Below are some of the features that writers select deliberately for effect:

Language features


Naming words. They may be:

  • concrete 鈥 naming objects, eg table, car
  • abstract 鈥 naming ideas and feelings, eg adventure, pride
  • proper 鈥 naming people, places, days, months etc, eg Marie, Sweden, Monday (always capital letters)


Words that describe nouns, eg green, huge, sparkly.


Words that describe actions and states of being:

  • action words (do/feel/be), eg run, hide, think
  • past tense, eg I played the recorder
  • present tense, eg he walks to the shops
  • future tense, eg she will go home later


Words that describe verbs and adjectives, eg quickly, patiently.


Someone or something, the subject of the sentence:

  • first person, eg I, we, me, my, our, us
  • second person, eg you, yours, yourself
  • third person, eg he, she, they, them, theirs


Words used to show where something is in place or time, eg at, for, with, after, to, over, from, into.

Literary language features

simileA comparison using 'like' or 'as' to create a vivid image.'As big as a whale;' 'float like a butterfly', 'sting like a bee'
metaphorA comparison made without using 'like' or 'as'.'Sea of troubles' and 'drowning in debt'
personificationA type of imagery in which non-human objects, animals or ideas are given human characteristics.'The jaws of the cave', 'the leaves danced in the breeze'
pathetic fallacyThe environment (usually the weather) reflects the mood of the character or scene. 'The fog crept evilly through the streets as he stalked his victim.'
onomatopoeiaThe sounds of words to express or underline their meaning, sensory imagery.'Crunch', 'pop', 'screech'
alliterationThe repetition of the same sounds usually at the beginning of words.'Reuse, renew, recycle'
assonanceThe repetition of vowel sounds in a series of words.'Harsh bark', 'moonlit pool'
rule of threeRepetition in a group of three to strengthen an idea or argument.'Freedom, equality, and justice'
connotationsImplied meanings suggested by a word rather than its literal meanings.Red is a colour - but can imply danger, anger and stop.
hyperboleOver-the-top exaggeration for effect."I have ten tonnes of homework to do!"
repetitionWords, phrases or ideas that are repeated for effect."This is serious, incredibly serious."
rhetorical questionsA question asked for effect with no answer expected."Do you think that I鈥檓 made of money?"
emotive languageWords chosen to bring an emotional response.'Defenceless', 'hard-hearted'
DefinitionA comparison using 'like' or 'as' to create a vivid image.
Examples'As big as a whale;' 'float like a butterfly', 'sting like a bee'
DefinitionA comparison made without using 'like' or 'as'.
Examples'Sea of troubles' and 'drowning in debt'
DefinitionA type of imagery in which non-human objects, animals or ideas are given human characteristics.
Examples'The jaws of the cave', 'the leaves danced in the breeze'
Terminologypathetic fallacy
DefinitionThe environment (usually the weather) reflects the mood of the character or scene.
Examples'The fog crept evilly through the streets as he stalked his victim.'
DefinitionThe sounds of words to express or underline their meaning, sensory imagery.
Examples'Crunch', 'pop', 'screech'
DefinitionThe repetition of the same sounds usually at the beginning of words.
Examples'Reuse, renew, recycle'
DefinitionThe repetition of vowel sounds in a series of words.
Examples'Harsh bark', 'moonlit pool'
Terminologyrule of three
DefinitionRepetition in a group of three to strengthen an idea or argument.
Examples'Freedom, equality, and justice'
DefinitionImplied meanings suggested by a word rather than its literal meanings.
ExamplesRed is a colour - but can imply danger, anger and stop.
DefinitionOver-the-top exaggeration for effect.
Examples"I have ten tonnes of homework to do!"
DefinitionWords, phrases or ideas that are repeated for effect.
Examples"This is serious, incredibly serious."
Terminologyrhetorical questions
DefinitionA question asked for effect with no answer expected.
Examples"Do you think that I鈥檓 made of money?"
Terminologyemotive language
DefinitionWords chosen to bring an emotional response.
Examples'Defenceless', 'hard-hearted'

Also consider:

  • Is the text in the first person or third person? Is it personal or impersonal?
  • Which tense has the writer chosen, eg past or present? What effect does this have?
  • How are sentences structured? Short and simple to pack a punch or as lists to suggest boredom or to pick up the pace?

Avoid 鈥榝eature spotting鈥. You need to show that you understand the impact of writers鈥 language choices on the reader and not just list them.

You should always comment on the possible effects of language use on the reader. How does it make the reader respond, think, feel, imagine or visualise something.