
Rounding to 3 decimal places (3 d.p)

To round to three decimal places (3 d.p.):

  1. Go to the decimal point.
  2. Count along the first 3 numbers to the right.
  3. Look at the next number (the 4th number after the decimal place).

If that number is:

  • 0 - 4: Remove it and everything to its right. The number in third decimal place stays the same. You have rounded down!
  • 5 - 9: Remove it and everything to its right. Now add 1 to the number in 3rd decimal place. You have rounded up!


Round 2.97468 to 3 decimal places:

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 8, The decimal number 2.97468, Round this number to 3 decimal places

Now try it on your own:


Round 14.53824 to 3 decimal places.


Round 21.213504 to 3 decimal places.