
The BibleUse and usefulness of the Bible

The Christian holy book is the Bible. It can be used during worship and in various ceremonies and rites of passage. Christianity teaches that the Bible is the word of God, and different Christian denominations interpret the Bible in different ways.

Part of Religious StudiesBeliefs, teachings & practices - Unit 2

Use and usefulness of the Bible

All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17

The Bible has many different uses for Christians. It can be seen as a guidebook for life where Christians can turn to for advice, guidance and reassurance.

Absolute law

As the Bible is classed as the Word of God, some of the teachings within it are classed as . An absolute law is one that must be followed at all times, such as the . The belief is that because these are laws set down by God, then they must be obeyed.

Christianity teaches that some laws in the Bible are unchanging and apply in all situations regardless of the circumstance. Christians are expected to abide by these laws, and they believe people will be judged on this after death.

Some Christians today are known as liberal Christians. This means they have a less literal interpretation of the Bible, and might not follow all laws in an absolute way. Many, however, still do.

An example of an absolute law found in the Bible is "You shall not murder". Some Christians would believe that this law should be kept in all circumstances.


The Bible is used by Christians to give them guidance about how they can live their their lives in the way God would want them to. There is guidance in the Bible on many areas of life and Christians will turn to this advice when they are faced with a dilemma.

Some Christians may use a . This is a selection of different Bible passages that can be read over time and can offer advice on different areas of life.


Another main use of the Bible is for it to be read during worship services and ceremonies. Passages from the Bible are read and discussed during regular worship services where the priest will read a certain passage of the Bible, this passage will often have some meaning, for example if there has been a disaster in the world the priest may choose to read a passage about a Christian's duty to help and pray for others.


The Bible plays a key role during and ceremonies. In each ceremony there will be readings from the Bible. The scripture passages chosen will link the ceremonies to the life and teaching of Christ. Here are some examples.

  • The story of Jesus’ baptism will be read during a christening ceremony, where the priest, vicar or minister may choose a passage about the importance of entering into the Christian faith and what it means to be a Christian.
  • During a marriage ceremony, passages about love and honouring your husband or wife are often read, eg Love is patient, love is kind. It does not boast, it is not proud... - 1 Corinthians 13:4.
  • Passages from the Bible are read in funeral services to provide comfort to the loved ones of the deceased, eg So do not fear for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand - Isaiah 41:10.

The Bible also acknowledges that when promises are made in such ceremonies, they are also made with God.


Describe the different ways that the Bible can be used in Christianity.

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