
Chromatography practical activity

Separation techniques

It is important in this core practical to use a range of equipment and methods to separate chemical mixtures. This includes the safe use and careful handling of substances.

This outlines one way to carry out the practical. Eye protection must be worn.


To investigate the composition of inks using paper .


  1. draw a pencil line across the chromatography paper, 1-2 cm from the bottom
  2. use a pipette or to add small spots of each ink to the line on the paper
  3. place the paper into a container with a suitable solvent in the bottom
  4. allow the solvent to move through the paper, but remove the before the solvent reaches the top
  5. mark the level that the solvent reached using a pencil so that you can measure the distance travelled by the solvent when it dries
  6. allow the chromatogram to dry, then measure the distance travelled by each spot and by the solvent


1. Record your results in a suitable table. For example:

InkSpot colourDistance travelled by spot (mm)
Spot colour
Distance travelled by spot (mm)


2. Calculate the Rf value of each spot:

Rf = \( \frac{distance \ travelled \ by \ substance}{distance\ travelled\ by\ solvent }\)

3. Compare the Rf values and colours of each spot in the inks. Describe their similarities and differences.



Explain why the distances travelled by each spot were measured in millimetres (mm), rather than in centimetres (cm).

Hazards, risks and precautions

Evaluate the hazards and the precautions needed to reduce the risk of harm. For example:

HazardPossible harmPossible precaution
Harmful solventSkin irritationAvoid skin contact, eg wear gloves
Harmful solvent Breathing difficultiesEnsure adequate ventilation or use a fume cupboard
HazardHarmful solvent
Possible harmSkin irritation
Possible precautionAvoid skin contact, eg wear gloves
HazardHarmful solvent
Possible harmBreathing difficulties
Possible precautionEnsure adequate ventilation or use a fume cupboard