

You can discover a lot about a poem by comparing it to one by another author that deals with a similar subject. You could compare features such as theme, form, structure, rhythm, language and figures of speech.

The key thing to do when comparing poems is to note the points where they are similar and the points where they differ. You could make a list noting similarities and differences between the two poems.

Comparison of 'Walking Away' by C Day-Lewis and 'Eden Rock' by Charles Causley


  • Both poems look at the theme of separation of loved ones and focus on love between parents and children.
  • The poems are written in the first person.
  • They both have measured, regular stanzas.
  • They have a steady pace.
  • Use of images from nature.


  • Walking Away is written from a parent to a child. Eden Rock is written from a child to parents.
  • Walking Away uses direct address. Eden Rock describes parents in the third person.
  • Walking Away uses a simple rhyme scheme. Eden Rock uses half-rhymes.
  • Walking Away describes the passing of time. Eden Rock describes a specific incident.