
Migrants to Britain, c1250 to the present - exam preparation - OCR BGuidance for Migrants to Britain, c1250-present

In your History GCSE, it is important that you not only have good subject knowledge, but have the skills to apply this knowledge to exam questions.

Part of HistoryMigrants to Britain c1250 to present

Exam guidance for Migrants to Britain, c1250-present

(OCR B Schools History Project)

There are four types of question on this paper:

  • Give one example of... / Name one... / What..? etc (3 marks)
  • Write a clear and organised summary of... (9 marks)
  • Why..? What was the impact..? (10 marks)
  • How far do you agree..? (18 marks)

The paper carries 40 marks and you should spend about 50 minutes on it, so aim to spend around the same number of minutes as marks for each question.