
Find out how the Jade Emperor selected the twelve zodiac animals.

The zodiac animals

The Jade Emperor having a meeting with the zodiac animal candidates.

The Jade Emperor needed to choose an animal ( dòng wù) for each year in the twelve ( shí èr) year cycle.

All of the animals raced across a river ( 丑é) and the first twelve to finish each got to represent a year.

The ox crosses the river with the rat on his back. The cat has been pushed off into the river by the rat.

The cat ( 尘ā辞) and the rat ( lǎo shǔ) couldn't swim well, so they asked the ox ( 苍í耻) to carry them across.

The rat pushed the cat into the river and jumped ahead of the ox, taking first place.

The ox came second and the cat didn't make it - the cat has been enemies with the rat ever since.

The tiger swims across the river while the rabbit hops across some rocks. The dragon puts out a fire in the background.

After swimming against the strong current, the tiger ( lǎo hǔ) arrived third.

The rabbit ( tù zi) hopped across rocks in the river to come fourth.

The dragon ( 濒ó苍驳) was expected to win as he can fly, but he helped a farmer put out a fire first so he took fifth place.

The horse is startled by the snake as he reaches the other side of the river.

The horse ( 尘ǎ) was startled by the snake ( s丑é) as he was about to reach the other side.

The snake took sixth place and the horse took seventh.

The sheep, rooster and monkey ride together on a raft across the river.

The sheep ( 测á苍驳) came up with a clever plan to work with the rooster ( 箩ī) and the monkey ( hóu zi) to build up a raft.

The monkey and the rooster let the sheep go ahead of them because of his excellent plan.

The sheep came eighth, with the monkey ninth and the rooster tenth.

The dog splashes happily in the water and the pig trails behind while the other animals watch from the finish line.

The dog ( 驳ǒ耻) was a good swimmer but enjoyed being in the river too much and forgot about the race so took eleventh place.

The pig ( 锄丑ū) searched for food and took a nap before he even started so unsurprisingly came last.

Key Mandarin words

lǎo shǔrat
lǎo hǔtiger
tù zirabbit
hóu zimonkey

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