
Electromagnetic induction

A or is needed to make an electric current flow in a circuit. An electric circuit is induced when:

  • a coil of wire is moved in a magnetic field

  • a magnet is moved into a coil of wire

This is called and is often referred to as the generator effect.

The induced voltage produces an induced current if the conductor is connected in a complete circuit. As with all currents, the induced current creates a magnetic field around itself. Note that this magnetic field opposes the original change. For example, if a magnet is moved into a coil of wire, the induced magnetic field tends to repel the magnet back out of the coil. This effect occurs whether a magnet is moved into a coil, or a coil is moved around a magnet.

Factors affecting the induced potential

The direction of the induced current depends on the direction of movement of the magnet relative to the coil. The current is reversed when:

  • the magnet is moved out of the coil

  • the other pole of the magnet is moved into the coil.

The magnitude of the induced potential may also be increased by:

  • Increasing the speed of the magnet
  • Increasing the strength of the magnet (and the magnetic field)
  • Increasing the number of turns on the coil of wire

The image below illustrates a simple experiment to demonstrate electromagnetic induction.

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 4, A bar magnet rests outside a coil of wire. The coil is connected to an ammeter, which registers no current., A bar magnet rests outside a wire coil connected to an ammeter showing no current

Extended syllabus content: Relative directions of force, field and induced current

If you are studying the Extended syllabus, you will also need to know about the relative directions of force, field and induced current. Click 'show more' for this content:

Video: Electromagnetism

Jonny Nelson introduces an animated explanation of electromagnetism

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The a.c. generator

Extended syllabus content: a.c. generators

If you are studying the Extended syllabus, you will also need to know about a.c. generators. Click 'show more' for this content:

Extended syllabus content: a.c. generators-related graphs

If you are studying the Extended syllabus, you will also need to know about the sketching and interpretation of a.c. generators-related graphs. Click 'show more' for this content:

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The magnetic field around a current-carrying wire

When a current flows in a wire, it creates a circular around the wire. This magnetic field can the needle of a magnetic compass.

Wire runs vertically, current flowing bottom to top. Magnetic field rotates anticlockwise. Second wire runs vertically, current flowing top to bottom. Magnetic field rotates in a clockwise direction.
Figure caption,
Magnetic fields around a wire carrying an electric current

The direction of the current and magnetic field can be found using the right hand grip rule. Coil the fingers of the right hand as if holding the handlebars of a bicycle, with the thumb pointing away from the hand. The thumb indicates the direction of the current, and the fingers then indicate the direction of the magnetic field.

The right hand grip rule; the thumb points in the direction of current and fingers point in the field direction
Image caption,
If you grip your right hand like this, then your thumb points in the direction of the current and you fingers show the direction of the magnetic field. This is called the right hand rule.


A consists of a wire coiled up into a spiral shape. When an electric current flows, the solenoid acts as an electromagnet. The shape of the magnetic field is very similar to the field of a bar magnet.

Current flows towards you in the top five wires, away from you in bottom five. Magnetic fields flow anti-clockwise around top five wires, clockwise around bottom. North pole right. South pole left.
Figure caption,
A solenoid, shown here in cross section, has a stronger electromagnetic field than a single straight wire

Electromagnets are used in devices such as door locks that can be controlled remotely and electric bells.

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Patterns of magnetic fields

Plotting compasses can be used to identify the pattern of magnetic fields in current carrying wires and solenoids.

plotting compasses used to identify magnetic fields. They all point north when there is no current.

Plotting compasses can also be used to see the magnetic field around a solenoid.

Diagram showing the magnetic field lines around a solenoid.
Image caption,
Magnetic field lines around a solenoid

Iron is a magnetic metal. Instead of using plotting compasses, iron filings can be used instead.

Loudspeakers and headphones

The motor effect is used inside headphones, which contain small loudspeakers. In these devices, variations in an electric current cause variations in the magnetic field produced by an electromagnet. This causes a cone to move, which creates pressure variations in the air and forms sound waves.

End of speaker cone is surrounded by a permanent magnet. A coil of wire which carries electrical signals is wrapped around the end of the cone. Movement generated causes the cone to vibrate.
Figure caption,
A loudspeaker converts electrical signals into sound waves

Alternating current supplied to the loudspeaker creates sound waves in the following way:

  1. a current in the coil creates an electromagnetic field
  2. the electromagnetic field interacts with the permanent magnet generating a force, which pushes the cone outwards
  3. the current is made to flow in the opposite direction
  4. the direction of the electromagnetic field reverses
  5. the force on the cone now pulls it back in
  6. repeatedly alternating the current direction makes the cone vibrate in and out
  7. the cone vibrations cause pressure variations in the air, which are sound waves

To make a loudspeaker cone vibrate correctly, the electric current must vary in the same way as the desired sound.


Relays are electronically operated switches. They consist of two circuits. The first circuit is used to switch on the second one.

The first circuit is a simple electromagnet in series with a battery or cell and a switch. When the switch is turned on current flows and the electromagnet attracts the iron rocker arm to it. The arm pivots and pushes the contacts in the second circuit together. This completes this second circuit so current can flow and the motor is switched on.

Relays can use a low current in circuit one to switch on a much greater current in circuit two. This allows a small current to be used to turn on a powerful motor or bright lights.

Extended syllabus content: Magnetic field direction and strength

If you are studying the Extended syllabus, you will also need to know about magnetic field direction and strength. Click 'show more' for this content:

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Force on a current-carrying conductor

A wire carrying a current creates a magnetic field. This can interact with another magnetic field, causing a force that pushes the wire at right angles. This is called the motor effect.

Wire carries current towards screen. Magnetic field travels north to south across screen, left to right. Resultant force on wire travels down screen, top to bottom.
Image caption,
There is a force at right angles to the current and the magnetic field

The greatest force is experienced when the wire is at right angles to the magnetic field. The force weakens as the angle moves away from this until there is no force when the wire is parallel with the magnetic field.

When the current is reversed so is the force. When the magnetic field is reversed so is the current.

A bar magnet in an angular 'U' sort of shape. The N and S poles are marked. There is a wire running through and round the magnet, with arrows indicating direction of current.

With the forefinger (magnetic field) pointing left to right, and the second finger (current) pointing down, your left thumb (force) will point towards you. This is the direction in which the force acts.

Extended syllabus content: Relative directions of force, magnetic field and current

If you are studying the Extended syllabus, you will also need to know about the relative directions of force, magnetic field and current. Click 'show more' for this content:

Extended syllabus content: Particle beams

If you are studying the Extended syllabus, you will also need to know about particle beams. Click 'show more' for this content:

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The d.c. motor

A coil of wire carrying a current in a magnetic field experiences a force that tends to make it rotate. This effect can be used to make an electric motor.

The turning effect can be increased by increasing the:

  • number of coils of wire
  • current
  • strength of the magnetic field

Extended syllabus content: Operation of an electric motor

If you are studying the Extended syllabus, you will also need to be able to describe the operation of an electric motor. Click 'show more' for this content:

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A is a device that can change the or of an alternating current:

  • a step-up transformer increases the voltage
  • a step-down transformer reduces the voltage

A basic transformer is made from two coils of wire, a primary coil from the alternating current (a.c) input and a secondary coil leading to the a.c output. The coils are not electrically connected. Instead, they are wound around an iron core. This is easily magnetised and can carry from the primary coil to the secondary coil.

An iron core transformer, with the primary coil on the left hand side and secondary coil on the right hand side.
Figure caption,
Components of a transformer

When a transformer is working:

  1. a primary voltage drives an through the primary coil

  2. the primary coil current produces a magnetic field, which changes as the current changes

  3. the iron core increases the strength of the magnetic field

  4. the changing magnetic field induces a changing potential difference in the secondary coil

  5. the induced potential difference produces an alternating current in the external circuit

Key fact: transformers can only work with alternating current.

The ratio of potential differences on the coils matches the ratio of the numbers of turns on the coils.

This equation can be used to calculate what the output might be from a particular transformer, or to work out how to design a transformer to make a particular voltage change:

\(\frac{primary~voltage}{secondary~voltage} = \frac{number~of~turns~on~primary~coil}{number~of~turns~on~secondary~coil}\)

\(\frac{V_p}{V_s} = \frac{n_p}{n_s}\)

This is when:

  • Vp is the potential difference in the primary (input) coil in volts (V)
  • Vs is the potential difference in the secondary (output) coil in volts (V)
  • np is the number of turns on the primary coil
  • ns is the number of turn on the secondary coil
  • In a step-up transformer, Vs>Vp. In a step-down transformer, Vs<Vp.


A mains (230 volt) transformer has 11,500 turns on its primary coil and 600 turns on its secondary coil. Calculate the voltage obtained from the secondary coil.

\(\frac{V_p}{V_s} = \frac{n_p}{n_s}\)

Rearrange to find Vs:

\(V_s = V_p \times \frac{n_s}{n_p}\)

\(V_s = 230 \times \frac{600}{11,500}\)

voltage from secondary coil, \(V_{s} = 12~V\)

The transformer in the example above is a step-down transformer. This is because there are fewer turns on the secondary coil, and there is a smaller voltage on the secondary coil.

The higher the current in a cable, the greater the energy transferred to the surroundings by heating. This means that high currents waste more energy than low currents.

To reduce energy transfers to the environment, step-up transformers can be used to increase the voltage from power stations to thousands of volts, which lowers the current in the transmission cables. Step-down transformers are then used to decrease the voltage from the transmission cables, so it is safer to distribute to homes and businesses.

Extended syllabus content: Equation for 100% efficiency

If you are studying the Extended syllabus, you will also need to know about the equation for 100% efficiency in a transformer. Click 'show more' for this content:

Extended syllabus content: Electrical power

If you are studying the Extended syllabus, you will also need to know about electrical power. Click 'show more' for this content:

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Test your knowledge with this quiz on electromagnetic effects.

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Teaching resources

Are you a physics teacher looking for more resources? Share these short videos with your students:

The invention of the electricity generator

The invention of the first power station

What happens to sound waves when you record a song?

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