
Properties of waves

Types of waves

Waves are one of the ways in which energy may be transferred between stores. All waves transfer energy but they do not transfer .

Waves can be described as or vibrations about a rest position. For example:

  • sound waves cause air particles to vibrate back and forth
  • ripples cause water particles to vibrate up and down

The direction of these oscillations is the difference between longitudinal or transverse waves. In , the vibrations are parallel to the direction of wave travel. Examples of longitudinal waves include sound waves and seismic (primary waves). In , the vibrations are at right angles to the direction of wave travel. Examples of transverse waves include electromagnetic radiation, water waves and seismic (secondary waves).

Mechanical waves cause oscillations of particles in a solid, liquid or gas and must have a to travel through. Electromagnetic waves cause oscillations in electrical and magnetic fields.

Parts of a wave

Waves are described using the following terms:

  • rest position - the undisturbed position of particles or fields when they are not vibrating
  • displacement - the distance that a certain point in the medium has moved from its rest position
  • peak (crest) - the highest point above the rest position
  • trough - the lowest point below the rest position
  • amplitude - the maximum displacement of a point of a wave from its rest position
  • wavelength - distance covered by a full cycle of the wave, usually measured from peak to peak, or trough to trough
  • time period - the time taken for a full cycle of the wave, usually measured from peak to peak, or trough to trough
  • frequency - the number of waves passing a point each second
  • wavefront - the imaginary plane of waves cutting through them in the same position. This could be where all the peaks (crests) are, all the troughs are or any place in between.
Image of a wave, with all of the different components labelled; including the amplitude and the wavelength.

Transverse waves

Waves cause a disturbance of the medium through which they travel. This allows them to carry energy. The quantity of energy carried relates to the amplitude of the wave.

In transverse waves, the particles of the medium vibrate at right angles to the direction that the energy travels. This is where the name transverse comes from - it means across. All of the waves in the electromagnetic spectrum are transverse waves, as are water waves.

The following types of waves are transverse waves:

  • ocean waves

  • light waves

  • microwaves

  • radio waves

  • ultraviolet radiation

Transverse waves can also be made by shaking a rope up and down or from side to side and look like this:

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 3, A hand holding a rope held taught and horizontal., Producing transverse waves using a rope A hand holds a length of rope taut

In the diagram above the rope moves up and down but the energy is transferred along the rope from left to right, at 90掳 to the oscillation.

In a transverse wave, the oscillation (vibration) is at right angles to the direction of energy transfer.

  • The particles move up and down as the wave moves from left to right.

  • However, none of the particles are transported along a transverse wave.

Longitudinal waves

Sound waves, pressure waves and primary waves (a type of seismic wave produced by earthquakes), are longitudinal waves. Longitudinal waves can also be made by pushing a spring forwards and backwards. They look like this:

Producing longitudinal waves using a spring

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 4, A hand holding a stationary spring stretched horizontally, Step 1 A hand holding a stationary spring stretched horizontally

In a longitudinal wave, the vibration is parallel to the direction of energy transfer.

In the diagram above, each individual coil of the slinky moves backwards and forwards either side of its rest position. However, none of the coils are moved along the length of the slinky. They just move backwards and forwards parallel to the direction in which the energy flows. The energy is transferred along the slinky, parallel to the oscillation.

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Wave speed

The speed of a wave can be calculated using the equation:

wave speed = frequency 脳 wavelength

\(v = f~\lambda\)

This is when:

  • wave speed (v) is measured in metres per second (m/s)
  • frequency (f) is measured in Hertz (Hz)
  • wavelength (位) is measured in metres (m)
Formula triangle demonstrating v equals f times lambda. V at the apex of triangle, f in bottom-left corner and lambda in bottom-right. Also demonstrates f equals v over lambda, lambda equals v over f.


What is the speed of a wave that has a frequency of 50 Hz and a wavelength of 6 m?

\(v = f \lambda\)

\(v = 50 \times 6\)

\(v = 300~m/s\)


What is the speed of a wave with a frequency of 0.2 Hz and a wavelength of 25 m?

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Measuring waves in a ripple tank

A ripple tank can be used to investigate the , and the speed of water waves.

A ripple tank is a transparent shallow tray of water with a light shining down through it onto a white card below.

The light allows you to see the motion of the ripples created on the water's surface more easily.

Ripples can be made by hand but to generate regular ripples it is better to use a motor.

A ripple tank, on a table, with surrounding equipment including a lamp, power supply, motor and wooden rod.
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Reflection of waves

Waves - including water waves, sound and light - can be reflected at the boundary between two different materials.

When drawing wave diagrams, it is easier to draw wave fronts rather than and .

Each wavefront is drawn at right angles to the wave direction.

Wave diagram showing wave fronts. 位 shallow is shorter than 位 deep.

For wave diagrams, the wave direction and wave fronts are normally drawn.

Example of wave diagram showing wavelength and wave direction

The distance between two wave fronts is the wavelength of the wave \(v = f~\lambda\)

Waves, such as water waves, obey the law of reflection that states:

angle of incidence (\(i\)) = angle of reflection (\(r\))

The angles of incidence and angle of reflection are measured between the wave direction and the normal 鈥 an imaginary line drawn at 90掳 to the barrier.

The diagram below shows a water wave reflected at a plane barrier.

Diagram showing water wave reflected at a plane barrier

The diagram shows that when water waves are reflected their direction changes, but their wavelength and frequency remain unchanged.

Key points

When waves are reflected:

  • angle of incidence (\(i\)) = angle of reflection (\(r\))

  • wavelength remains unchanged

  • frequency remains unchanged

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Refraction of waves

Refraction is the change in direction of a wave as it travels from one medium to another.

For instance, when light travels from air to glass or water waves travel from deep to shallow water.

When water waves pass from deep to shallow water they slow down because friction with the ripple tank base or seabed has greater impact in the shallow water.

When water waves pass from deep to shallow water they slow down because with the ripple tank base or seabed has greater impact in the shallow water.

As the waves slow down the waves bend towards the normal.

The frequency of the waves does not change because the source of the waves continues to vibrate at the same .

Since v = f\(\lambda\)

If the speed (v) decreases and the frequency (f) remains unchanged, then the , \(\lambda\), must also decrease.

Shorter spaced waves from shallow into deep water

Key point

FAST is a useful way of remembering the speed and direction changes of waves during refraction:

  • If waves get Faster, they bend Away from the normal.

  • If waves get Slower, they bend Towards the normal.

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When waves meet a gap or an edge in a barrier, they continue through the gap or past the edge of the barrier. However, what happens on the far side of the gap or barrier is not so straightforward.

The waves always 'spread' to some extent into the area beyond the gap.

This is diffraction - the spreading out of waves when they go through a gap, or past the edge of a barrier.

Straight vertical lines pass through a small gap and become curved lines
Figure caption,
Waves passing through a narrow gap (gap width less than the wavelength).

Extended syllabus content: Diffraction through a gap

If you are studying the Extended syllabus, you will also need to know about diffraction through a gap. Click 'show more' for this content:

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