
Key points

  • The menstrual cycle is an approximately 28 day cycle that prepares the female body for pregnancy.
  • Hormone levels change during the cycle.
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Can you answer these questions based on the video?

1. What are the chemical signals that control the menstrual cycle?

2. What happens around day 14 of the cycle?

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Changes during puberty

The menstrual cycle begins at puberty. It is an approximately 28 day cycle that prepares for pregnancy. The cycle stops during pregnancy.

Most females begin puberty between the ages of eight and 14. Puberty takes about four years during which the following physical changes occur:

  • underarm hair grows
  • pubic hair grows
  • body smell gets stronger
  • hips widen
  • breasts develop
  • ovaries release ova during the menstrual cycle
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The menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle can be longer or shorter than 28 days, especially for young people who have just started having a period.

Day (approx)Event
1Bleeding from the vagina begins. This is caused by the loss of the lining of the uterus. This is called menstruation or having a period.
5Blood loss stops. The lining of the uterus begins to re-grow and an starts to mature in one of the ovaries.
14 occurs. The ovum travels through the oviduct towards the uterus.
28If the ovum does not join with a sperm cell in the oviduct, the lining of the uterus begins to break down again and the cycle repeats.
the menstruation cycle
Figure caption,
The thickness of the uterus lining varies during the menstrual cycle. An ovum is released at about day 14

Fertilisation happens if the ovum meets and joins with a sperm cell in the oviduct. The fertilised ovum attaches to the lining of the uterus. During pregnancy, the lining of the uterus does not break down and menstruation does not happen.

The menopause is when the menstrual cycle stops happening. This occurs around age 50, although for some it can be earlier or later. After the menopause it is not possible to have a baby.

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Changes in hormones

Hormones are chemical messages that are produced in glands and travel in the bloodstream. Hormone levels change during the menstrual cycle.

There are two key hormones which regulate the menstrual cycle:

  • Oestrogen - repairs and thickens the uterus. There is an increase in oestrogen just before ovulation.

  • Progesterone - levels of this hormone increase in the second half of the menstrual cycle. If the ovum is fertilised, levels remain high and menstruation will not occur. If fertilisation has not happened then the level of progesterone will drop and a period will follow.

a graph showing the level of oestrogen is highest on day 14 of the cycle. progestogen is highest on day 22 and stays high if woman is pregnant
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