
Key points

  • Distillation is a separation technique used to separate a from a . For example, water can be separated from salt by distillation.
  • Distillation involves boiling the mixture and then condensing the gas to produce a liquid.
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What two processes occur in the water cycle to turn sea water into rain water?

Science flasks
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Watch this video to find out how can be used to separate water from a salt solution.

While you're watching, write down or draw the pieces of apparatus (equipment) that are used during distillation.

What is the name of the piece of apparatus that cools down the hot gas after the mixture has been heated?

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What is distillation?

Two glasses of water, the first is dirty and the second has been distilled to be clear and safe to drink
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Dirty water can be distilled to make it safe to drink

Distillation is a separation technique used to separate liquid (the solvent) from a mixture and keep the liquid part. Distillation involves boiling the solution and then the back into a liquid by cooling it down.

For example, dirty water can be distilled to produce pure water, which is safe to drink.

Two glasses of water, the first is dirty and the second has been distilled to be clear and safe to drink
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Dirty water can be distilled to make it safe to drink
The different separation techniques, including evaporation, crystallisation, distillation, fractional distillation, filtration, and chromatography
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Different separation techniques including distillation

Distillation is just one separation technique. Find out about two others - evaporation and filtration - in these guides.

Which two changes of state occur during distillation?

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Distilling a salt solution

A salt solution (salt water) can be distilled into pure water which we can drink.

This is done by following these steps:

  1. The salt solution is placed into a flask and heated until it boils.
  2. The water turns into a gas but the salt stays behind in the flask.
  3. The steam passes into the . The condenser is a tube which is surrounded by a layer of cold water. This cools the steam, which turns it back into a liquid.
  4. The is pure water.
Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 3, Salt solution is heated, Salt solution is heated.
Three question marks

Did you know?

Drinking water in the UK is not produced by distilling sea water. The process uses lots of energy, making it expensive and potentially polluting. The remaining waste salt can damage ocean ecosystems.

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A reservoir in the Elan Valley of Wales which provides water for the the West Midlands
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In the UK drinking water comes from rain and is stored in reservoirs, it is then treated before entering our homes, schools and workplaces. This reservoir in the Elan Valley of Wales was built to provide water to the West Midlands.

When a solution made from salt dissolved in water is distilled, the temperature reading on the thermometer will be 100掳C.

Why is this?

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Distillation of two liquids

Some mixtures contain more than one liquid. If there are two different liquids with different points, they can also be separated using distillation.

Sanitising spray being sprayed onto a work surface

For example, sanitising sprays for disinfecting surfaces contain ethanol and water.

Ethanol boils at 78掳C, whereas water boils at 100掳C. A mixture of ethanol, water and salt can be separated using .

Sanitising spray being sprayed onto a work surface

Water and ethanol can be separated using distillation by following these steps:

  1. Heat the mixture in a flask until the gas above the mixture is 78掳C. The ethanol boils and can be re-captured using a in the same way as the water in the salt water example.
  2. Keep the temperature at 78掳C until the liquid ethanol coming from the condenser stops or slows down to almost nothing.
  3. The water will remain in the original flask.
A petrol station

Crude oil

Fractional distillation is a technique also used in the chemical industry to obtain petrol and diesel from crude oil (a fossil fuel).

Crude oil is a mixture of lots of different liquids (fractions) and we can use their different to separate them into more useful substances.

Fractional distillation can be used if the boiling points of two mixed liquids are similar. In these cases, the boiling points would be too close for simple distillation.

A petrol station
A label which says 'key fact'

Fractional distillation still relies on different boiling points, but is able to accommodate much closer boiling points whilst maintaining the purity of the products. Simple distillation would risk both liquids evaporating, meaning the distillate would still be a mixture.

Which technique would be used to separate a mixture of the solid solute potassium bromide dissolved into water?

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Working scientifically

Working safely in the lab

When working with apparatus it is essential that you are aware of the hazards and take appropriate precautions to minimise the risk to yourself and others.

Below is a list of hazards in the distillation process. How might we reduce the risk of each one?

  1. Knocking over glassware 鈥 risk of broken glass and cuts
  2. Hot liquids 鈥 risk of spillage and scalds
  3. Bunsen burner flame 鈥 risk of burns or fire
  4. Heater 鈥 risk of burns
  5. Flammable liquids (e.g. ethanol) 鈥 risk of fire

A sign which says 'remember'

Often a level of risk remains but we must be aware and take steps to minimise it.

Sometimes experiments that are more hazardous are only done by specially trained scientists.

Find out more about working safely in science.

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Test your knowledge


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Play the Atomic Labs game! game

Try out practical experiments in this KS3 science game.

Play the Atomic Labs game!
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More on Pure and impure substances

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