Earlier on, I gave Max a call to help me choose an outfit for this evening....

It was literally hilarious, mainly cos my room at Villa 1xtra is such a tip.... Some especially funny quotes from Max:
"Purple sequined shorts? Your not going to a fancy dress party!"
"Don't you have anything plain?"
"Promise me that tonight, you'll wash and blow dry your hair straight, put it in a low side ponytail with a side parting, and wear some red lipstick!"
This was the end result... try and imagine the hair thing...

Lemme know what ya think.
Comment number 1.
At 7th Aug 2009, platinum_sunshine wrote:You look amazing in the picture holding the sequined shorts (glad you didn't wear them). Gemma you're gorgous - put some effort into your hair! I live near you and see you 'pon street. Keep the heels.. do the hair.. the rest is HOT LIKE FIRE!!
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Comment number 2.
At 7th Aug 2009, bubblingmissnelson wrote:u look nice gem. Is that swimsuit u got on tucked in the shorts i love it. I got similar shoes but mine are blue
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Comment number 3.
At 7th Aug 2009, grandstylee wrote:i love your hair! i don't see what the problem is? it's cute! plus that outfit is just hot, nice pins! you've got style!
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Comment number 4.
At 7th Aug 2009, Reba trumpet Italian seashell pastry wrote:Gem I love your outfit, that's effortless style on a gorgeous girl! Oh la la what shoes :-)
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Comment number 5.
At 14th Nov 2009, Sarah wrote:I have tried it on and the 12 is baggy and shapeless but the 10 is the tinyest bit too tight on my hips so I was wondering if you girls would happen to know of any bodyshapers.
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Comment number 6.
At 6th Jul 2010, brandymoloko wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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