On the grind
Yesterday at Villa 1xtra, DJ Troopa came on over to say hello... and to do some mixing on Mistajam's show. He told me about how he works seven days a week, putting on the pool party, you know the one where everyone goes to skank in the afternoon and show off their spangly range of swimwear, Also the one that Cameo helps put on.. (Are you joining the Napa dots yet?). Once the pool party is finished early evening, he then goes to DJ in a bar and then usually goes to DJ again in club Ice after that too! In Napa town every second step you'll bump into a DJ of somesort, everyone is on the grind, networking and pushing, and promoting - It's amazing!

Pics from last night to follow.. Swimathon + Westwood + Mike Anthony +Ìýlast eve with the Stevenage girls = Another quite random evening here in Ayia Napa.
Gem Xx
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