I felt giddy this morning when Sisqo came in.. The Thong song was a claasic of mine back in the day, to dance too.. (but let's be honest - how uncomfortable are thongs!) Someone needs to do a remix.. Pants p..p...pants pants paaants....

ÌýThere was a whole lotta lurve in the room.. Treble T from Rampage rushed the studio (which, I might add means something because the only ever time he's done that with one of our guests was when Serena Williams came in!)...
"He used to RAVE to us...." Screamed Rampage in unison!
Another thing that I just had to clear up was a rumour that I heard once and I've used as a quirky fact during idle conversations.. The rumour was that Sisqo had a baby with Samantha Mumba?? I couldn't find out the truth online.. so I asked him...
If you didn't get the chance to hear his answer.. keep checking the blog to find out!
Gem Xx
P.S Follw me & Trev on twitter why don't you..
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