Hey you! How's things? Really? Oh dear. Well, there's no point worrying. I'm sure it'll dry up and drop off eventually. But listen, forgive me for changing the subject, but...
On last Saturday's show we innovated a brand new type of Black Squadron command: the Photo Challenge. We asked our trusty, battle-scarred early morning live listeners to take a photo on a theme and send it to us as quickly as possible. The theme was "POLTERGEIST ATTACK!" and the Squadron responded with extraordinary speed and creativity.
Below, we present a selection of these photos for your viewing pleasure. Remember, these pictures are not winners in any way.
Because this was NOT a competition. As you well know, competitions are disgraceful and a dangerous, subversive threat to the integrity of the Big British Castle. This is merely a representative sample (of the best ones). Anyone who calls this a competition or behaves in a competitive way will be snatched from the street and rushed to the Castle dungeons in a potato sack where they will be tortured by Vernon Kaye until they learn better.







Comment number 1.
At 30th Sep 2009, Russell WWxx wrote:Kaye??? You're going a bit too far there Cornish.
Anyway, I like them all equally. The most equal one is the pile of chairs because it's so perfectly equal compared to all the others. Which are of equal comedic value. There's no 'I' in 'TEAM' eh?
(Although there is in WINNER)
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Comment number 2.
At 30th Sep 2009, Dr Roobles wrote:I'm liking the top one there for its simplicity and movie-referencing excellence.
Please don't release the Kaye on any unsuspecting prize-less winners... we promise we'll be good. *shudders*
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Comment number 3.
At 30th Sep 2009, Noodle wrote:cheese grater man, and the guy being beaten up by a skeleton = the most distinctly normal... so they would theoretically win because they are the most, theoretically, funny.... in theory
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Comment number 4.
At 30th Sep 2009, YourNameHere wrote:What a fantastic competition!
(......I'm thinking I can easily shake Kaye off with a few carefully placed, meaningful sentences and BINGO - I'm in the Castle and it's not as though I want to get all the way up to Radio 2 or anything.)
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Comment number 5.
At 1st Oct 2009, scritch wrote:Goddamit!
As soon as you rise the ranks from one squadron to another
you find theres another A&J rank above you.
(This blog/show is turning into some kind of manipulative cult. I feel slightly manipulated emotionally.
They always tell you, the next level up is the best one, just the next one or wait another.
Just give us your blood, your sweat your TEARS!! Thats it I quit.
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Comment number 6.
At 1st Oct 2009, scritch wrote:(...I've just worked a 15 hour day today. )
I wish this place had an edit button for your own posts.
`now really goodnight.
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Comment number 7.
At 1st Oct 2009, Whinger Assassin wrote:Some really funny ones in this lot, the lengths people have gone to, or not, are particularly amusing. Throwing knives across the kitchen... I can see the hospital injury report now.
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Comment number 8.
At 1st Oct 2009, emptyland wrote:I think the WINNER of this COMPETITION has to be the young lady in front of the TV set. Fabulous. What's the prize for the winner? Any second and third place prizes for this competition?
(when you come to snatch me for my torture session, could you make it around 8ish, I'll have fed the family and washed up by then, thanks. Oh and ask Vern if I can possibly have either the rack or the tickler, thanks)
p.s janine, I hope you're having a better day today! I guess it feels like getting a huge pressie for your birthday, you open the box and there's another inside, then another inside feel like you're never gonna get the prize, but I salute you anyways.
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Comment number 9.
At 2nd Oct 2009, kendersrule wrote:I am tired.
I was severely confused buy the pictures until I read the readey bit.
I vote the little person vs tele as the winner...
I have been a Teaching Assistant for the morning, that's why I'm tired, so I know precisely how demonic the little female person is likely to be...
OH! It's not a competition? Then why is Vernon looking out from my microwave..?
(You should probably have left this Black Squadron whatsit for Halloween times, unless you have a spookier event planned?)
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Comment number 10.
At 2nd Oct 2009, kendersrule wrote:Confused enough to be "confused BUY the picutres" I hate how squiffy my brain is right now :(
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Comment number 11.
At 7th Oct 2009, notbob2003 wrote:i see it as a compotion -HAHA
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Comment number 12.
At 16th Oct 2009, YourNameHere wrote:I'm wondering if the photo element of the command has sent the Castle into meltdown. There is still no sign of a gallery for last week and we're less than 24 hours away from a new command.
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Comment number 13.
At 16th Oct 2009, YourNameHere wrote:OK, the toast bracelets have been hastily uploaded though at first glance I can't see the one with someone trying to toast metal bracelets and there seem to be a few double entries.
NOW - can we please have Adam's CawFey House mix? Thank you.
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