So I need mo help from you for the next Big Mix Tape, which we'll record next Tuesday 1st June (sweet baby Bieber, is it June already?!) The theme for this tape is Art Pop featuring the music of artists who are trying to do more with the medium than just sing a pretty song, yeah? Art school bands, avant gardists, pretentious ponces, they're all welcome as long as they're dipping their musical brushes in the pot marked 'choons' and not 'demented bilgewater', cos we've kind of already done that one. I'm afraid there's unlikely to be any Lady Gaga though, unless my guest trails any in on his shoe. Joking of course!听
The thing I need from you chaps is a good name for the tape. It's art pop remember, so it's going to have to be witty, snappy and cool! I think Witty, Snappy & Cool is what they should call the Rice Krispies characters to get more young people into them. I should really be in advertising. Hang on, that would make a great sitcom...听
So apart from a name, I need questions for my guest this week: the delightful Graham Linehan. Graham is currently perhaps the most successful TV comedy writer in the UK. At least I'm almost certain he is but I put the word 'perhaps' in there to give myself some wiggle room, but he's pretty flipping successful I think we can all agree on that. He's an ex music and film journalist, Poker fan, video game lover, Twitter behemoth and a keen amateur humanitarian. In the TV sphere he's the creator of the IT Crowd, co creator of Black Books, Big Train and Father Ted and has collaborated winningly with giants of comedy from The Fast Show team and Matt & Dave of Little Britain to Alexei Sayle and Chris Morris and that's just the tip of his magnificent iceberg. Did I mention he tweets a lot? OK, that's enough hyperbole. All questions for Graham will be garnished with a dollop of full fat Thanks.听
Now back to searching the web for Lost explanations...听
Love Adam听
Comment number 1.
At 28th May 2010, sillyheathen wrote:You have GOT to include a track by Art Brut, 'Modern Art' being the most appropriate, of course. But I'm sure you've already thought of that.
I'll let people cleverer than me think of names.
Love Heathen x
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Comment number 2.
At 28th May 2010, kendersrule wrote:Snap, Crackle, and Pop would be a little obvious, wouldn't it?
Dear Glinner:
When is the next series of The IT Crowd due to be aired?
Have you ever tried growning a beard?
What's the worst awards ceremony experience you've had (apart from not winning, even though that's rare for you)?
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Comment number 3.
At 28th May 2010, John Nugent wrote:I suggest you use an anagram of 'Art Pop' as the title of your compilation, eg:
'Pap Rot'
'Top Par'
'Rat Pop'
'Tar Pop'
'Rap Opt'
'Apt Pro'
or simply: 'To Parp' (not strictly an anagram, but it's probably the funniest).
I would also suggest that no art pop compilation would be complete without the amazing Battles, especially the tracks 'Atlas' or 'Tonto'.
Finally, my question for Mr Linehan is: Who would win in a bareknuckle fight between Jan Moir and the board of Trafigura?
Thanks guys, keep up the good work!
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Comment number 4.
At 28th May 2010, Mr Saltman wrote:Roy LichtensTUNES. Right? Because it's like Roy Lichtenstein but with "tunes" at the end instead. Do you see? And he did pop art....
Obvious question for Mr L: Would you like a cup of tea, Graham? Ah, go on. Go on go on go on go on. Has to be delivered in an authentic accent though.
You'll be playing a Cardiacs track in this one, right?
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Comment number 5.
At 28th May 2010, TheNoonBarrier wrote:Yeah, Lost was rubs, weren't it?
Will Brass Eye or The Day Today ever return?
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Comment number 6.
At 28th May 2010, happygoth wrote:Some name suggestions:
* Ceci n'est pas une mixtape
* Leda and The Swans
* Il Divino Communication
* The Kind Of Blue Period
* The Persistence of Memorex
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Comment number 7.
At 28th May 2010, Hannah wrote:Arty Warhol? (thats shocking)
anyway, my question is: Is it hard to watch your characters come to life, especially if they are not acted in a way you envisaged?
Hannah xxxxx
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Comment number 8.
At 28th May 2010, pattyq wrote:'POP GOES THE EASEL'.
Yeah? Yeah? NO?!
And Mr Linehan: Where did you get your funny from? Cos it's dead funny and I would like some. Oh, and do you ever remember to take a bag for life with you to the shops, or just end up buying another one when you get there?
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Comment number 9.
At 28th May 2010, nicky brooks wrote:Poptarts?
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Comment number 10.
At 28th May 2010, nicky brooks wrote:Oops! I meant Popped-Arts!!!
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Comment number 11.
At 28th May 2010, lornac wrote:Pop Will Art Itself?
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Comment number 12.
At 28th May 2010, YourNameHere wrote:Assault With A Deadly Crisp - I think you should be given a 'contributor' account on this blog xxxx
I'll let the clever people make all the suggestions but Addles, with the info that @Serafinowicz has already imparted and what you will no doubt learn from Graham about Twitter, you should be good to go, using it as a fulfilling tool in your everyday life. Graham was so eloquent and articulate about it's use and power when he did a little IT Crowd Q&A earlier this week. If you avoid the banalities, it's a life enhancing peripheral.
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Comment number 13.
At 28th May 2010, harryburgess wrote:Pop A Cap In Your Art?
Dirty Projectors - Tour Along The Potomac
It's off The Getty Address, which is a self proclaimed 'Glitch-Opera about a suicidal Don Henley' - which should justify it alone, but the song is quite catchy!
Lovely stuff! x
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Comment number 14.
At 28th May 2010, nicky brooks wrote:I would like to ask Graham if he knew of any real priests who were fans of Father Ted. Because I knew of one. And when I put the same question to him he said"oh yeah lots". So in my imagination there are now probably Father Ted priest-exclusive convensions full of dancing priests!
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Comment number 15.
At 28th May 2010, MargeGunderson wrote:Hello Buckles
Avante Guardians - OMG that is so lame! sorry
Not too hot on the arthouse stuff (or mathrock as they call it in the states!)
roxy music - remake remodel, ladytron
soft machine - as long as he lies perfectly still
henry cow - the art bears
slapp happy - anything by them, it's all very posey!
frank zappa - eat that question
brian eno - baby's on fire
maybe I've got the wrong idea of what you want...I did my best :D
Lovely, lovely, lovely Graham are a genius!
Moss and Roy are quite realistic, in my opinion, did you base them on any real people?
Our whole family love Black Books, often watching an episode whilst eating our tea - although we have to be careful that we don't choke to death with laughter! You've often collaborated with others throughout your career, was it nice to get your teeth into something on your own when you wrote the IT Crowd?
By the way tell whoever dresses the set and picks Chris O'Dowd's T-shirts that they have good taste!
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Comment number 16.
At 28th May 2010, MargeGunderson wrote:there I was thinking I'd actually said everything I wanted to say in one post when I spot a mistake...I forgot to put in tracks for Henry Cow and Art bears so it looks like Art bears is a track by Henry Cow...yikes!
how about Moeris Dancing by Art Bears (they are pretty un-listenable and might be a bit too much for a Sunday afternoon, but this is just about ok!)
Henry Cow - Actually don't bother it's all un-listenable! but definitely avant garde
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Comment number 17.
At 28th May 2010, Rachel Grundy wrote:Oooh, pop art! A lovely choice for next week. I would suggest the following bands/artists as falling under the artsy fartsy banner:
Dresden Dolls - any song really, but Coin-Operated Boy is one of my faves. They really embraced performance art and Amanda Palmer still creates multi-media shows as a solo artist.
Regina Spektor - Ne Me Quitte Pas - because it's about my adopted hometown, New York. She is proper nutbag but I love her.
As Tall As Lions - Milk and Honey - a glorious song from a band who really make poetry.
That's all I've got, and I'm rubbish at pun-tastic titles so I shall leave that for more witty types.
Here's my question for Graham: If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
Thanks Buckles! I adore this show. You are teh brills. Rachel xx
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Comment number 18.
At 28th May 2010, MargeGunderson wrote:One more thing...the really obscure stuff was suggested by my husband who is a fan of what I call "noodling roundabout music" - just totally un-listenable stuff where the artists strive to NOT play or sing one predictable note! I just plug my ears when he puts on stuff like that...or banish him to the garage!
the eno, zappa, roxy music and soft machine tracks are ok though!
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Comment number 19.
At 28th May 2010, happygoth wrote:re Art-Pop
I have my fingers crossed for stuff from Beirut, Final Fantasy, A Hawk & A Hacksaw, Neutral Milk Hotel, Of Montreal, maybe something off Tin Drum by Japan... I guess Roxy, Blur and the Velvets are pretty much essential for this sort of tape. West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band, too!
Really looking forward to this one! :)
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Comment number 20.
At 28th May 2010, Matt_Wash wrote:Hey Adam,
I have an idea for a future mix tape, a mix tape of cover songs, or perhaps cover songs that out shone the originals. You could also do a wacky eurovision one where you get all the really funny eurovision songs, my personal favourite is the excellent "Dancing Lasha Tumbai" by Verka Serduchka, the Ukrainian entry a few years back that involved a man who looked like a women dressed in tin foil. Love the show!
Matt Wash
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Comment number 21.
At 28th May 2010, jo_the_hat wrote:You can't talk about Pop Art without including the marvellous, magnificent Pet Shop Boys. Any of their songs would fit the bill: Being Boring, Pandemonium, You Only Tell Me You Love Me When You're Drunk, Love etc - all personal favourites.
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Comment number 22.
At 28th May 2010, Matt_Wash wrote:Another little idea,free music mixtape? a mixtape of music that's free for example: ta Adam,
Matt Wash
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Comment number 23.
At 28th May 2010, happygoth wrote:_Questions for Graham_
: What's your favourite album artwork?
: What's your favourite *original* game soundtrack?
: What was the weirdest thing you had to do when you were running your own detective agency? On a scale of 1-10, how much like "Chinatown" was the experience? & what qualities does an aspiring private detective need in contemporary Britain?
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Comment number 24.
At 28th May 2010, MargeGunderson wrote:Tunng - It's because we've got hair - NICE!
Field Music - If only the moon were up - NICE!
My husband recommends Devo, The Residents and Mr Bungle(with Mike Patton from 'Faith No More' doing something very different) - but I wouldn't! :b
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Comment number 25.
At 28th May 2010, TheNoonBarrier wrote:Oh, and song-wise, Architecture In Helsinki with 'Find Your Power Animal'. Can't get much more arty.
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Comment number 26.
At 28th May 2010, SittingDuck wrote:Question for Graham: I notice he does cameos in lots of his programmes. Does he secretly yearn to be a leading man in something and, if so, would it be a sitcom? Or would it be a thriller? Or would he be a romantic lead?
Dr Boggins is the beeswax!
Jo x
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Comment number 27.
At 28th May 2010, happygoth wrote:More suggestions for mixtape names:
* Braquedance
* Gimme Gimme Gimme (Cezanne After Midnight)
* Emingus
* Groove Is In The Art
* Disposable Miros of Hiphoprisy
* Ike & Tina Turner Prize
* 'Miros'
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Comment number 28.
At 28th May 2010, Rachel Grundy wrote:happygoth wrote:
More suggestions for mixtape names:
* Braquedance
* Gimme Gimme Gimme (Cezanne After Midnight)
* Emingus
* Groove Is In The Art
* Disposable Miros of Hiphoprisy
* Ike & Tina Turner Prize
* 'Miros'
^These are all amazing. Bravo.
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Comment number 29.
At 28th May 2010, sweetsweetboggins wrote:Tape Title: Mick's Tape
Question: Why do you think it has been so hard for hollywood to make a decent movie based on a video game? Would Graham like to try?
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Comment number 30.
At 28th May 2010, Spax wrote:My brain chuntered up with the following tape titles:
A Study in Sonics
The tape's blank...canvas
Arty farty music party
A lovely hue of music
XxOo 卢 ` ^ ?
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Comment number 31.
At 28th May 2010, oddamerican wrote:For the tunes I'd suggest anything by Of Montreal or Animal Collective or Gang Gang Dance or Tv On The Radio or Yeasayer.
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Comment number 32.
At 29th May 2010, Brandenburg Kate wrote:Tape name suggestion: Elite Beats & Highfalutin Tootin' ..?
Sorry, currently under the influence of catarrh and port.
Interesting idea for a mix tape! That's a big gap in my musical knowledge so I look forward to being enlightened. Well, I bought "Weasels Ripped My Flesh" by Frank Zappa when I was a student. I never really liked it but I used to leave it lying around and I think it impressed certain friends.. I mean, that's what it's all about isn't it?
Graham Linehan on the show? Wow!
Adam, your show is the highlight of my week but you are far too beautiful for radio.
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Comment number 33.
At 29th May 2010, Michael H B wrote:Morning Adam. Lovely show, thanks very much. I've written some art pop mix-tape suggestions below.
Mix Tap Name Suggestions:
4. ART DISCO (From 'Art Deco' - I don't really think this one works, but it might and I'd kick myself if someone else suggested it).
I hope everything goes ok.
Michael H. Beck
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Comment number 34.
At 29th May 2010, pasquino wrote:Hi Adam
How about "O Superman (For Massenet)" by Laurie Anderson. It's got everything: experimental performance art, is spoken through a vocoder, covered by David Bowie during his 1997 tour for the album Earthling, got to #2 on the UK Singles Charts in 1981 and is really good, albeit a bit long for a mixtape.
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Comment number 35.
At 29th May 2010, snobum wrote:hey adam
big mixtape is absolutely brillo pads!!
could u ask graham, as a television show creator and all round genius, for his thoughts on the end of lost,it was rather underwhelming in the final 15 minutes i guess the question is really, how difficult is it to find a satisfactory and fulfilling ending for a television show?or is it enough just to go out on your own terms?i realise that you cant please everyone whatever you do but im very interested in the creative process behind a "finale and wether there is a sense that whilst writing it you are trying to please certain people(fans,the bosses,the critics etc)
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Comment number 36.
At 29th May 2010, foxystoat wrote:Hi Adam,
Oooooh I'm so excited about Graham Linehan being your guest this week! Father Ted is brills.
Suggestions for music: Bjork: Declare Independence, or Earth Intruders. I'm hoping this doesn't fall head-first into your "demented bilgewater" category. I'm not very up on art pop, except for Pet Shop Boys, and they already got a mention. Ho hum.
Title suggestions for the tape : The Ants Are Back Ted!
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Comment number 37.
At 29th May 2010, MargeGunderson wrote:I've gotta say that Michael H B's suggestion of "Radio DaDa" is brilliant,clever and succinct!
@Spax - I also like your suggestion of "Arty Farty Music Party" - very nice, pure humour! :D
It's very difficult not to fall into the realms of Prog Rock for this tape, there is a crossover with Art Rock don't you think?
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Comment number 38.
At 29th May 2010, Dalekwidow wrote:Ok, here's my Mix Tape title suggestion...:
"Art Attracks!"
Looking forward to the show!
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Comment number 39.
At 29th May 2010, MargeGunderson again! I love the Super Furry Animals and I think that they have a unique sound all of their own, but I would say that some of their stuff could come under the heading of Art Pop (after all Gruff was an artist before he became a singer and they always use Pete Fowler for vids and sleeve artwork) they are inclined to dress up (yeti suits!) and be experimental at times...
On Guerilla there are a couple of short pieces of weird music:
The sound of life today
A specific Ocean
and on Radiator:
Furry Vision
Short Painkiller
and on Rings around the world:
Cloud Berries on LoveKraft is a great piece with 3 different types of music all in one song!
Go Furries! :D
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Comment number 40.
At 29th May 2010, foxystoat wrote:Me again,
another title suggestion: Artypops; my lovely horse.
Just to explain (I feel I must,) you've got the music genre clearly stated there, plus an added nod to the fabulous Eurosong entry from Ted and Dougal, plus it's Eurovision weekend (groan.) Neatly wrapping up your mix tape theme and guest and current affairs all in one.
Not at all witty, snappy or cool like you asked for...
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Comment number 41.
At 29th May 2010, 2plus2isjoe wrote:Graham: Where do you find Roy's T-Shirts in the IT Crowd? I want them all!
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Comment number 42.
At 29th May 2010, MargeGunderson wrote:@2plus2isjoe
I mentioned how great his t-shirts are too! You can get some of them from "GenkiGear" and some from "Last Exit to Nowhere"
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Comment number 43.
At 30th May 2010, Anouk wrote:@ 2plus2isjoe:
He also wore a couple from and
a related question for Graham:
The IT-office is stacked with geek-culture references (in the first series I was delighted to spot Pogeybait and Little Enid toys): Were these all things you were already aware of, or did you get some hardcore geeks to make suggestions?
Also, were there things you discovered during the making of the IT-crowd (or any other series) that you became a fan of and which you would highly recommend to other, slightly less geeky individuals?
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Comment number 44.
At 30th May 2010, Anouk wrote:As for titles:
The Beatles just popped up on my mp3-player while typing the last message, and I found myself singing
Ob-Dali Ob-Dada...
I am so sorry.
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Comment number 45.
At 30th May 2010, roboplege wrote:Hullo! Love you Glinster, Black Books got the wife and I through her first labour!
And thanks for your various mixtapes through the interwebs over the last while.
What's been your most awkward celeb encounter?
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Comment number 46.
At 30th May 2010, Eh Watt wrote:The IT crowd (feat. chortlesome cameo ation from our kid, Bux); ah, Mos and his eye-popping 'Abracada-Bra', moth ladder invention, and awkward though empathic social encounters with German cannibals. The world needs more souls like him in it.
So, could Mr Linehan possibly write a biopic all about the Mos? How his unparalleled powers of nerdosity were honed, how he survived school and girl urges, and mastered cutting his own hair etc. I can wait a year or two. Also, what series does Mr L wish he'd written, not necessarily comedy?
Sound and vision
Gogh Gogh Bordello
Keep it Surreal
Art Pop Will Eat Itself
Picture This
Easel on down the road
New Model Arty
Pictures at an exhibition
When I paint my masterpiece
Moving Pictures
Art Pop Garfunkel
Arty Dreamers
Paint It Black
Paper Sun
Art of noise [nod to Garth's mention of them on Listen Again, right now]
Wow Pattyq, 'Pop goes the easel' occurred to me too, but ey, thet liddle boody is yours!
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Comment number 47.
At 31st May 2010, gooseontheloose wrote:ADAM ADAM ADAM!
Do you have any idea how much I love you? More than what's healthy, that's how much.
I recommend any of Amanda Palmer's work, either solo or with The Dresden Dolls.
Have a lovely week!
Ps. I'm very excited for the Linehan.
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Comment number 48.
At 31st May 2010, Russell WWxx wrote:I'd like to nominate a song or two by The National because they iz well arty and pop. 'Looking for Astronauts' is aces and 'Fake Empire' is brilliant. In fact, anything from Alligator or Boxer is a big win (I've got the new album in the house but I haven't given it a spin yet... what an idiot I am)
Also, were there any fairground rides that Graham really liked but didn't make the Father Ted cut, either because they were too ridiculous or impossible to make?
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Comment number 49.
At 31st May 2010, MargeGunderson wrote:@Rachel Grundy. Had a listen to Coin Operated Boy by the Dresden Dolls - very nice, very Cabaret, and Amanda Palmer sounds very like Suzanne Vega me-thinks...
Buckles, I feel like such a fool for even thinking this let alone typing it... but, surely you will be playing Andy Warhol by Bowie???
I agree 'The Persistance of Memorex' is a great title, it covers all the bases, art and tapes! I still like Arty Farty Music Party though... :D
Todd Rundgren could be considered Art made an album called 'The Ever Popular Tortured Artist Effect' and there's some pretty bonkers stuff on 'A Wizard, A True Star'
Just trying to crowbar some Todd into the mix!
Also something from Be Bop Deluxe, Alan Parsons Project or Peter Gabriel (with or without Genesis) might be appropriate. ???
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Comment number 50.
At 31st May 2010, TheLostWelshman wrote:How about 'Popped Art!' ?
And a question for the Glinner-man...
What can I name my new cat?
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Comment number 51.
At 31st May 2010, MargeGunderson wrote:Art Pop Mix tape music. Two words:
Gaijin Invasion ;)
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Comment number 52.
At 1st Jun 2010, The Jam Sandwich wrote:Playlist...
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Comment number 53.
At 1st Jun 2010, blueboy_communications wrote:Song Suggestion:
Endless Art by A House - thank you for your blogpost as it reminded me of this song which was an early 7 inch purchase by myself. It may be too straighforward a list-song of artist names but I shall champion it.... I DON'T CARE IF IT IS NOT BROADCAST!!.. OK...OK??
Mixtape Name suggestions:
First Cut-up is the Deepest - Cat Stevens tearjerker becomes William Burroughs-alluding art approach
Move Over Dali - i.e. Move Over darling with three letters missing
Rembrant Your A Womble - Juxtaposing the high and low arts
Raspberry Stipple - popular ice cream mixed with paint application technique
Warhol in My Shoe - or War-Hole in My Shoe
Nothing Else Splatters - Metallica do a basic splodge painting
Palette It Be - (Pal-Let it Be) - how The Beatles arranged their paint
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Comment number 54.
At 1st Jun 2010, MargeGunderson wrote:Ideas for future mix tape themes:
1. Food Songs - because food is great!
2. School/Education Songs - songs that have a school related theme or vibe rather than ones that were hits when you were in school.
3. Work Songs - daily grind, types of jobs etc...
4. War Songs! - I don't mean the opposite to Song Wars!
5. Protest Songs - you know... Billy Bragg, Neil Young etc. it shouldn't just be political though.
6. World Songs - songs that represent countries of the world.
7. Space Songs - speaks for itself!
8. Songs of the Sea - ditto!
...I'd better stop there before it starts getting silly ;)
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Comment number 55.
At 1st Jun 2010, Splunty wrote:Greetings Buckles, my mixtape name suggestions:
Pop goes the easel
David Popney
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Comment number 56.
At 2nd Jun 2010, Scratch n Sniff wrote:Hi Dr Buckles
Just a couple of suggestions for names. How about:
Stick a Bjork in me, im done
Andy Warhol's 100 mixtapes
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Comment number 57.
At 2nd Jun 2010, Charis7997 wrote:I really didn't have the slightest scooby after watching the Lost finale, but this site made everything (okay, most things) clear!
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Comment number 58.
At 2nd Jun 2010, Rachel Grundy wrote:@Marge Gunderson - glad you liked it! Dresden Dolls modelled themselves as 'Brechtian punk rock cabaret', which I think is fairly accurate.
Also, I realised I put the wrong As Tall As Lions track - I meant 'I'm Kicking Myself'. Another awesome ATAL track is 'Ghost of York', quite arty farty.
Looking forward to hearing this one!
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Comment number 59.
At 3rd Jun 2010, ShlongFacedMutant wrote:Warholotta Love
Nevermind The Jackson Pollocks
The Impossibility Of Def Leppard In The Ears Of Someone Living
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