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Becoming Human is an 8 part online drama from the makers of Being Human
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Follow Adam, Being Human's teenage vampire, as he becomes embroiled in a dark and dangerous mystery. At the heart of Becoming Human are the eight episodes where the story unfolds... but there’s more. You can get deeper into the mystery with mobile phone videos, newspaper clippings, character profiles and other updates revealed by the characters themselves as they try and track down the killer.
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Comment number 1.
At 9th Feb 2011, Saffz wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 2.
At 9th Feb 2011, ewan wrote:Well this will take some reading
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Comment number 3.
At 9th Feb 2011, issydalek wrote:good conclusion i think, Christa....
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Comment number 4.
At 9th Feb 2011, WiliQueen wrote:"Disappear in a puff of logic," eh? Good to know Christa knows her Douglas Adams. :-D
What is it with werewolves and lists? :: ducks under table to avoid glaring-daggers of Miss I-Am-Not-A-Werewolf ::
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Comment number 5.
At 9th Feb 2011, owen wrote:ewan, read it instead of postiing odd comments then XD
i think pros point 2 and cons point 3 kinda conflict, but meh
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Comment number 6.
At 9th Feb 2011, ewan wrote:Pros and cons a good way to look at things.
However those Gun wielding elves forcing her to write down that she liked hanging out with the two of them.
Bad gun wielding elves shame on you.
So She has seen the darkness inside Matt he clearly isn't Annie wanting revenge only on the killer no he wants to revenge himself on the whole school. That would be a problem for her, One thing to note that in her personal diary or thoughts she can admit what she is.
"Draining the killer of blood or ripping them to pieces" the first comment is clearly about Adam but the ripping to pieces, it's clear she knows.
It is also very clear that the only reasons she's helping Matt in her mind is - It's the right thing to do and to be rid of him. but whether this changes we will have to wait and see.
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Comment number 7.
At 9th Feb 2011, stripy_tie wrote:Definitely something creepy about matt, knew it since that profile he did of himself. He's still the one who's dead though, not someone else. Bit of a puzzler how he can be the "bad guy", i imagine it will be complicated.
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Comment number 8.
At 9th Feb 2011, ewan wrote:4 - That and correcting spelling or Grammatical errors
Adding an appropriate S or pointing out it's murdER not OR
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Comment number 9.
At 9th Feb 2011, Pentyrch wrote:I've just gone right through from the newspaper clipping at the start to here and I wondered if anyone else had picked up on there being a kid at the school with the surname Frinton and the councillor in the newspaper report who was preventing Matt's mum putting up missing posters also having the surname Frinton...
It's a fascinating story. I like the way the humour of the parent series is retained but given its own unique spin by the nature of these particular characters. I'll be following the rest of it with great interest.
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Comment number 10.
At 9th Feb 2011, Evalooda wrote:What happened to Matt's body?
If he'd died accidentally there'd be a body that someone would've discovered eventually. The fact there's isn't confirms the murder theory- someone must have hidden it.
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Comment number 11.
At 9th Feb 2011, Kaline wrote:Have I mentioned that I actually love Christa? She's like me (only, as far as I'm aware, I don't turn into a wolf on the full moon)
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Comment number 12.
At 9th Feb 2011, kirawalshii wrote:she said " draining him of blood or ripping him to shreads" are you finally admitting that you are a werewolf christa?? and who could have drag matt's body gosh or dig a hole that must have taken days just to move his body out of the toilets am i right
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Comment number 13.
At 9th Feb 2011, piratemoose wrote:There's definitely something up with Matt. There's more to him than meets the eye... :/
Another point, not only did they immediately assume he was murdered, but that he died in the toilets. Not necessarily. I think Matt DOES know how he died but for now is just playing along with Adam and Christa's ideas. Not once has he thanked them for helping; he just seems more concerned with getting revenge. Though I guess this is the first time he's ever had power over anyone. *shrugs* It will all be revealed in due course...
"...disappears in a puff of logic..." - Yet another geeky sci-fi reference! My inner fangirl is very happy! ;)
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Comment number 14.
At 9th Feb 2011, Matt hypen s Financial Services dot Co dot Amb wrote:Solved it!
Who is the last person in the world that Matt doesn't suspect, apart from his mum n dad?
Steve McKenna!!!
Drum roll.............................................................
Steve McKenna is allergic to egg
I rest my case
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Comment number 15.
At 9th Feb 2011, Davrill wrote:I agree with 13, I think Matt does know... his vagueness just seems too forced. Also, for a ghost he's learnt to manifest poltergeist powers extremely quickly. Regarding the anger he has his own 'profile' demonstrates his need for revenge. Would he take a life as a ghost? Well, that's going to be an interesting moral journey we might get to see.
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Comment number 16.
At 9th Feb 2011, Davrill wrote:P.S. I just wanted to add that I'm loving the drip, drip effect of this particular storyline with tidbits being released!! Keep it up!!
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Comment number 17.
At 9th Feb 2011, Matt hypen s Financial Services dot Co dot Amb wrote:sorry that should have been..
Who is the last person in the world that Matt suspects..
double negatives etc etc
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Comment number 18.
At 10th Feb 2011, dramalovely wrote:christa has got such a clear 'voice' you can jut read that and know it is her's!! (dont think the elves at gunpoint would work therefore!!) there are some really good pros and cons there and i really cant disagree about the benefit of a list!!! very interesting about her not trusting Matt sure to be a very heavy clue from the writers!!
also the BCH geek inside me would like to know which person at BHprod that handwriting belongs to!!!
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Comment number 19.
At 10th Feb 2011, WhiteHare wrote:Matt was taken to hospital badly injured and died there when Mitchell was through the door with Annie. There's no body, because he was put in the incinerator with the medical waste. Big cover up.
Well, it's as good a theory as any other, at this point. ;-)
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Comment number 20.
At 10th Feb 2011, ewan wrote:Mild obsessive behaviour here but I am transcribing the entries into a document - partly because it makes it easier to spot things going over them when not handwritten.
It means I pick up on things that I missed.
Christalist - really? Christa list
but though people have mentioned the Douglas Adams reference
There is a reference that makes me think of Bedazzled - The original with Peter Cook and Dudley Moore not the remake.
Help this poor lost soul find the trampoline of light
It's when the Devil makes him a Nun in the order of leaping Nuns and they spend their time on trampolines
A reference to Adams intro in episode one
Say we just shrug and give up the investigation get on with double maths
Oh here's a thought will we get not a list from Adam I don't think he's the list type but a debate on whether to help or not from him - and if we do will the hand writing be different?
5 - it did take reading correct so not that odd a comment, right?
12 - Great minds quote alike.
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Comment number 21.
At 10th Feb 2011, missmindkill wrote:Well this is certainly interesting
I must say i agree as i am suspitious of matt myself
He has way to much control over his powers for a new ghost
Who may i add (apparently)has had no help in understanding and learning about his abbilities
The part about matt not remebering his death may not seem out of the ordinary as the character Annie from (Being Human) did not clearly remember the details of her death also
But this may not be the same case as the idea that matt only wants revenge on the students of the school is a very good theory
Think about it your sad your angry and now well your dead
A vampire and a werewolf show up who are the only ones who can see you
It would not be that hard to come up with a chilling story of how one of the many school bullies cruelly murdered you
Thus leading to a vicious hunt for the so called murderer creating the perfect opportunity to terrify and get revenge on every student that ever came across you
well thats just one of my many thoughts on this hmmm who knows
anyway i cannot wait for next weeks Becoming Human/Being Human
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Comment number 22.
At 10th Feb 2011, billybunter wrote:Moving a body is not easy,moving Matt`s body given his weight would present many problems for a single individual to overcome,maybe there are more than one person involved,ie murderer + accomplice(s) in disposing of the body by whatever means.
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Comment number 23.
At 10th Feb 2011, Gordon Jones wrote:I don't think Matt is that advanced a ghost. I just think that was an invisible man playing a ghost to scare the bejesus out of an enemy. I do think he wants revenge though, well it's only natural, victims of severe bullying either become, ill, evil, dead or creative geniuses, a rare few get over it. Maybe he didn't really die but is in fact just invisible? Or he's a werewolf and changed for the first time in the toilets and was killed after infecting Christa. That would explain how his body was moved and the difficulties with his memory. Maybe he tried to blow himself and the school up but but something went wrong?
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Comment number 24.
At 10th Feb 2011, sam wrote:good point @evalooda
Where is Matt's body ???
sure no teenager could have gotten rid of that on his own.
no disrespect to Matt but he would be even heavier dead !!
oooooo the plot thickens.
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Comment number 25.
At 10th Feb 2011, loosinghuman wrote:OMG i looked this up right after watching the episode of friends where ross writes a pros and cons list about Julie and Rachel, weird right. that list did not end well maybe this one wont either. maybe a teacher will find it and think shes mad for talking about ghosts. maybe matt will find it and find out that crista doesnt really like him then he will be so lonely he will kill steve so he can have a ghost friend .
or maybe matt just killed himself, and his unfinished buissness is that he diddnt watch the rest of lost, maybe adam and crista should just buyhim the box set
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Comment number 26.
At 10th Feb 2011, Kaline wrote:25. Loosinghuman: I like that. We could all chip in...
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Comment number 27.
At 10th Feb 2011, Kaline wrote:Loosinghuman: I like your name too, by the way.
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Comment number 28.
At 10th Feb 2011, bbciswkd wrote:lol 22. if you look at danny's suspect profile pic, you'll see the janitor and a kid that look like there walking together- u think the kid is steve and they worked together in killing matt (i mentioned that in the video 'chaging danny's way's' comments). good ideas evryone keep them going lol
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Comment number 29.
At 10th Feb 2011, Norbert JAM wrote:Any one be bothered to write this out in text? as that handwriting i cannot read =[
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Comment number 30.
At 10th Feb 2011, Saffz wrote:29 - Same here
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Comment number 31.
At 10th Feb 2011, ewan wrote:My next post will see if they allow a copied text as a post
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Comment number 32.
At 10th Feb 2011, ewan wrote:The pros & cons of Helping the dead
by Christa
That whole business with Danny Curtis is making me wonder if we're making a big mistake helping Matt. I mean I know he looks like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, admittedly because it wouldn't have time, but I can't shake the feeling there's a lot he's not telling us. There's just something behind the eyes when he looks at me. It's like someone's handed him a loaded gun and he's just wishing he had more bullets.
I think it's time to make a 'Christalist.' It sounds like 'chrysalis', and in much the same way, I hope that something beautiful will emerge in the end....
So, helping Matt, the Pros;
1.It's the right thing to do. Cheesy I know, but somebody murdered a schoolboy in a toilet and no-one knows but us. Catching the killer is morally the right thing to do. Obviously then draining the killer of blood or ripping them to pieces would lose a lot of the moral high ground. So we shouldn't do that.
2.Our crappy little gang is Kind of fun, although I would never admit it to either of them and if they ever somehow got to read this I would claim it was forged. By elves. At gunpoint.
3.We solve Matt's unfinished business, presumably he disappears in a puff of logic, or slides down the holy water chute towards the light or whatever crap Adam is peddling on that particular day. (I still think he's making that 'deaths door' thing up)
4.Matt cooks a mean scrambled egg. All in the melting butter, apparently.
And now, the Cons;
1.I don't trust Matt. And that's a biggie. It would help if he wasn't so vague about his death. It's like he's embarrassed to talk about it. And okay, dying in toilet isn't the most glamorous way to go, but if I hear him say 'Oh it's all a bit hazy,' one more time, I'll smack him. With a toilet seat. Just to try and jog his memory.
2.I worry that he's using us for revenge. I mean say it turns out he just slipped, fell and broke his neck on the U-bend. No-one to blame, except maybe the caretaker who didn't mop the toilet floor properly. And his unfinished business is actually to ring one of those ambulance chasing insurance firms. Say that was actually how he died. Would he then just let the bulling go? You know, I don't think he would.
3.If we don't help him, he can't leave. Say we just shrug and give up the investigation get on with double maths, what happens to him then? Does he just stick around? I think that's going to be a yes. And being as we're the only ones who can see him, he's going to stick around with us, isn't he? Following us around. Forever.
Yeah. The last one is the clincher. The Christalist has worked it's magic. We should do the right thing. Help this poor lost soul find the trampoline of light, pass through the receiving door of fate. For only through helping Matt's spirit to rest, do we ourselves get some piece and quiet.
It's what he would have wanted, after all.
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Comment number 33.
At 10th Feb 2011, HAz152 wrote:Thanks Ewan, thats so much better i couldn't read a lot of what was up there it makes more sense now.
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Comment number 34.
At 10th Feb 2011, ewan wrote:If you read 20 you'll see that was the reason I wrote it.
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Comment number 35.
At 11th Feb 2011, YummyMum wrote:ewan you are a dear for doing that! I can't believe that I found it almost impossible to read. I have awful penmanship so you would think I would be able to read Christaslist.
I am glad they also have her question just how pure Matt is. That being said the Danny Curtis still shouldn't treat him the way he did. Bullies creating bullies..
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Comment number 36.
At 11th Feb 2011, fredstar wrote:Oh. My. God. I know how Matt died! I just this second worked it out; someone was flushing his head down the toilet, and he drowned! THAT'S why he won't go into any detail on his death, and THAT'S why his hair always looks sort of damp and plastered onto his forehead! It all makes sense!
I've just realised that I'm using a lot of exclamation marks! But that's not going to stop me! I far too excited! AAAHHH!!!
(and breath...)
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Comment number 37.
At 11th Feb 2011, bbciswkd wrote:lol 36 (@fredstar)that is a fantastic idea! well done for picking up on all those hints :)
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Comment number 38.
At 13th Feb 2011, Angel wrote:UM YEAH, 36, wheres his body lol, it wouldnt fit down the toilet, plus has anyone noticed the sick on matts shirt?
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Comment number 39.
At 16th Feb 2011, mitchel wrote:episodes shorter than i thought however, excellent story all characters fit really well, doing being human proud i would say x
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Comment number 40.
At 27th Feb 2011, morgoth5 wrote:lol number 14. you cud hav a point as there is sick on matt it could have been steves sick because of being allergic to eggs and matt sed in the episode when they go into a cubicle the last thing he remembers eating is a egg
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Comment number 41.
At 8th Mar 2011, Magia_San wrote:[Reply to 36. Fredstar]
That is rather imaginative, however unfortunately the water level would be too low, especially when being flushed, as at that time the water level decreases. Go check it out. No offence intended, and I don't mean this in a bad way. But it was a nice idea, I just hope, for realism's sake, this isn't how he actually died.
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