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Becoming Human is an 8 part online drama from the makers of Being Human
The weekly updates have now finished, but if you're new to the blog it's not too late to enjoy the experience, you can either follow the mystery from the start or just watch the episodes.
Follow Adam, Being Human's teenage vampire, as he becomes embroiled in a dark and dangerous mystery. At the heart of Becoming Human are the eight episodes where the story unfolds... but there’s more. You can get deeper into the mystery with mobile phone videos, newspaper clippings, character profiles and other updates revealed by the characters themselves as they try and track down the killer.
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Comment number 1.
At 12th Mar 2011, Jammie wrote:This just proves that she knows how dangerous the werewolf is. So she cant have changed too recently
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Comment number 2.
At 12th Mar 2011, DoctorWho451 wrote:I don't think she would eat adam, he is not stupid enough to stick around after she transforms
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Comment number 3.
At 12th Mar 2011, Water56 wrote:Yay!
I've been hoping for a diary entry!
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Comment number 4.
At 12th Mar 2011, CatOnKeyboard wrote:Moustachioed :-{Pete
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Comment number 5.
At 12th Mar 2011, Type 5 wrote:'I just really, really don't want to throw up half digested Adam' ... well we got a bit of implied love from Christa that we wanted.... but we really wanted it to be about the kiss!!!! Grrr... and she has changed before so that's why she was so really to believe Adam was a vampire and Matt was a Ghost, but she mustn't have changed many times because she still can't admit it to herself...
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Comment number 6.
At 12th Mar 2011, Themoon-atmidnight wrote:AHHH!
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Comment number 7.
At 12th Mar 2011, LaylaEH wrote:Yay :-{P
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Comment number 8.
At 12th Mar 2011, bh-rules wrote:yay, lets hope nothing bad happens when she does transform
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Comment number 9.
At 12th Mar 2011, agatha wrote:Moustachioed :-{Pete
as the great ewan does not appear to be on yet, should i start transcribing?
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Comment number 10.
At 12th Mar 2011, Type 5 wrote:ooo, maybe it's a bit of forshadowing.... let's hope not though...
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Comment number 11.
At 12th Mar 2011, CatOnKeyboard wrote:For those who don't know, Moustachioed :-{Pete is the recently created blog mascot.
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Comment number 12.
At 12th Mar 2011, Themoon-atmidnight wrote:The 'next time' on episode 6 proved that plan B will have to come into action, but hopefully without the ripping to pieces part.
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Comment number 13.
At 12th Mar 2011, CatOnKeyboard wrote:So, we know plan a does not work perfectly, as they end up transforming her in the gym. But what else could go wrong?
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Comment number 14.
At 12th Mar 2011, LaylaEH wrote:13 - I'm thinking death, destruction and terror. And y'know a wild rampanging werewolf...
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Comment number 15.
At 12th Mar 2011, Paige wrote:excellent its really early
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Comment number 16.
At 12th Mar 2011, Themoon-atmidnight wrote:like Type 5 said,
probably a lot of foreshadowing in this...
In episode 8 after she transforms she might be throwing up a lot
of wood after eating half the gym.
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Comment number 17.
At 12th Mar 2011, LaylaEH wrote:14 - I mean rampaging. Urgh!
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Comment number 18.
At 12th Mar 2011, bh-rules wrote:you would think they could have come up with a better plan like borrowing somebodies dog to do the job and playing it safe on full moon
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Comment number 19.
At 12th Mar 2011, CatOnKeyboard wrote:18 - But where would the interest be in that? This week, Christa, Matt and Adam walk a dog around a school. DUN DUN DUN!
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Comment number 20.
At 12th Mar 2011, Themoon-atmidnight wrote:They probably put it on early so they can give us a preview later (eeek!) or ´óÏó´«Ã½3 decided that the crazy blogging fans filling up over 1000 posts on 'The full moon is coming' need something to occupy our slowly in-warding brains.
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Comment number 21.
At 12th Mar 2011, Themoon-atmidnight wrote:19 - LOL.
That would be soooo exciting.
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Comment number 22.
At 12th Mar 2011, agatha wrote:page 1:
Bloodhound by Christa
I REALLY don’t want to do this! I’m only just coming to terms with what I am, what I become once a month. I don’t think I’ve even said the word to myself, not alone, not facing a mirror. And now, not only have I just shrugged and casually implied to Matt & Adam what they’ve known all along. I’ve volunteered as a bloodhound. WHAT WAS I THINKING?!
So our half-baked shambolic plan? Well, we wait until it’s nearly full moon, when my senses are at their height, and then I run around school, hopefully fighting the urge to sniff everyone’s backside and wee against a lamppost. And somewhere en route, find Matt’s body.
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Comment number 23.
At 12th Mar 2011, CatOnKeyboard wrote:13 - I was not totally clear. I meant, what else went wrong to make them end up in the gym? did someone see them? did they get locked in? did they become massively lost (remember adam has only been at school a few weeks)?
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Comment number 24.
At 12th Mar 2011, bh-rules wrote:19- fair point, this is a drama for tv they would have to make it interesting. so they would never do the most logical way.
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Comment number 25.
At 12th Mar 2011, CatOnKeyboard wrote:24 - And thank God for it. We weirdo's on here could never cope with actual logic.
(that was a joke)
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Comment number 26.
At 12th Mar 2011, Paige wrote:lol stop listening to radiohead
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Comment number 27.
At 12th Mar 2011, Themoon-atmidnight wrote:PAIGE :)
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Comment number 28.
At 12th Mar 2011, bh-rules wrote:25-lol
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Comment number 29.
At 12th Mar 2011, CatOnKeyboard wrote:26 - Sound, sound advice. Several people though I was you earlier, now they are proved wrong.
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Comment number 30.
At 12th Mar 2011, CatOnKeyboard wrote:29 - damn. *thought
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Comment number 31.
At 12th Mar 2011, Themoon-atmidnight wrote:Even if Christa did eat Adam, there would be no storyline for episode 8 and also, Craig send in an interview 'I would love to return as Adam'
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Comment number 32.
At 12th Mar 2011, ewan wrote:Just got on the page will start transcribing.
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Comment number 33.
At 12th Mar 2011, Type 5 wrote:what if they do a scence where werewolf Crista is chasing Adam and then the episode finishes. Then in the next episode you see her throwing up something bloody and meaty... and just when you think Adam has been nommed up... it's Matt's body next to her and Adam comes out of his hiding spot. With like blood spatter on his face forn Christa ripping Matt's body apart... i think i'm getting a bit to grusome now...
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Comment number 34.
At 12th Mar 2011, CatOnKeyboard wrote:33 - That's nice...
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Comment number 35.
At 12th Mar 2011, Type 5 wrote:*scene
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Comment number 36.
At 12th Mar 2011, Paige wrote:27- EMILY HI
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Comment number 37.
At 12th Mar 2011, Type 5 wrote:34 - Well, it would be interesting to watch...
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Comment number 38.
At 12th Mar 2011, Themoon-atmidnight wrote:Type 5 - good theory. I'm not sure if they would go out of the school grounds to film, and if Christa eats Matt's body then that would make it even harder to find the murderer.
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Comment number 39.
At 12th Mar 2011, agatha wrote:Page 2:
The’ (crossed out) That’s the ideal outcome. Obviously there’s always a plan B, where they fail to get me to some woods or whatever intime, I fully transform, then leap on Adam and rip him to pieces and EAT him. Then I run riot through the town, killing dozens of smokers hanging around outside pubs, proving once and for all that Smoking is bad for you!
On the whole I think I prefer plan A.
But seriously, the idea of using a werewolf to sniff out Matt’s body? I know it was my idea but it’s hardly genius. It’s like using dynamite to clear your sinuses! As if it’s just some common or garden doggy, that we can leash
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Comment number 40.
At 12th Mar 2011, LaylaEH wrote:I have to go, my mum wants me to go to Sainsbury's with her. I'll be back in a couple of hours. :-{P
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Comment number 41.
At 12th Mar 2011, Paige wrote:34- LOL
i liked the radiohead referance
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Comment number 42.
At 12th Mar 2011, Themoon-atmidnight wrote:Bye LaylaEH :-{P
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Comment number 43.
At 12th Mar 2011, CatOnKeyboard wrote:40 - cya laylaEH
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Comment number 44.
At 12th Mar 2011, Themoon-atmidnight wrote:Ho hum pigs bum,
I have to get on with my debate so I might not write anything for a while.
If anyone has been on here for a while, when does the preview come up?
There wasn't one on last week, so I'm not sure.
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Comment number 45.
At 12th Mar 2011, Water56 wrote:33- Almost as gross as Christa!
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Comment number 46.
At 12th Mar 2011, Paige wrote:the best bit was the bit where it says "then i run riot through town, killing dosens of smokers hanging aroung outside pubs, proving once and for all that smoking is bad for you"
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Comment number 47.
At 12th Mar 2011, Water56 wrote:46- LOL
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Comment number 48.
At 12th Mar 2011, Paige wrote:40- bye :-{P
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Comment number 49.
At 12th Mar 2011, Paige wrote:47- I KNOW IT WAS THE BEST BIT oops accidental caps but i cant be bothered writing it again
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Comment number 50.
At 12th Mar 2011, lou-x wrote:ah so there we have it she has transformed before! poor christa she has been in denial so much(at least we get to see how she really feels here)
i think this diary entry makes up for the pointless updates we've had the last couple of days :)
some people are saying their plan obviously doesn't work as she ends up transforming in the gym....maybe she is able to sniff matts body out but the "getting her to the woods" part of the plan is the part that doesn't work out.
CANNOT WAIT FOR SUNDAY!!!!! i think i'm looking more forward to christa's tranformation and the finding of matts body than the finale of BH haha
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Comment number 51.
At 12th Mar 2011, CatOnKeyboard wrote:40 - Moustachioed :-{Pete says bye
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Comment number 52.
At 12th Mar 2011, Type 5 wrote:OMG /blogs/beinghuman/2011/03/christas_transformation.html
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Comment number 53.
At 12th Mar 2011, Paige wrote:51- lol
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Comment number 54.
At 12th Mar 2011, agatha wrote:Page 3:
Or pet or make roll over and play dead. Which is what everyone else will be doing if we mess this up.
I’m making jokes about this, but it’s the same kind of jokes people make in mortuaries. Or in Nuclear Weapon Silos. ‘Hope we don’t blow up the world today! Ha Ha Ha.’ Because if you don’t laugh you’ll CRY. For a very long time. With your music up loud to cover the sound.
Do you know why your nose runs when you cry? Because your nasal passages and your tear ducts are connected, and if the tears can’t get out of your eyes, they overflow into your nose. That’s not real snot, it’s kind
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Comment number 55.
At 12th Mar 2011, CatOnKeyboard wrote:52 - Awesome, thanks. Guys, a christa transformation clip!!!
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Comment number 56.
At 12th Mar 2011, CatOnKeyboard wrote:53 - Oh yeah. While you weren't on we came up with Moustachioed :-{Pete the new blog mascot. He even has a facebook page, courtesy of agatha.
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Comment number 57.
At 12th Mar 2011, CatOnKeyboard wrote:56 - to find out more about him, read the last 200-odd posts of #32
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Comment number 58.
At 12th Mar 2011, agatha wrote:Page 4:
Of ‘tear snot’. And you know in films when the hero kisses away someone’s tears? Do you think someone explained to him about tear snot, he’s kiss that away too??
No, I don’t think so either.
That might sound a [bit grose] – (crossed out) little gross, but my gross tolerance has gone up quite a bit lately. There’s nothing like puking up a half digested rabbit or fox or rotting rubbish once a month to rid you of the whole girly squeamishness thing. I’ve got to tell you, it seems the other me will eat absolutely ANYTHING. But then when I become myself again, my stomach gets a little bit picky and promptly decides to ____ of whatever
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Comment number 59.
At 12th Mar 2011, Paige wrote:56- well it wasnt even two pages when i left lol you lot HAVE been busy LOL
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Comment number 60.
At 12th Mar 2011, CatOnKeyboard wrote:57 - actually it is more like the last 100
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Comment number 61.
At 12th Mar 2011, Paige wrote:56- im just going to like him on facebook
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Comment number 62.
At 12th Mar 2011, lou-x wrote:52- OOOOOOMMMMMMMGGGGG!
so now we can work out the following...
adam:"we'll find the body tomorrow"
-i guess there plan doesn't go well in regards to finding it before the transformation, however he seems pretty sure that they will find it so maybe they get a rough idea from sniffing around
-we now know that christa was talking to adam when she said "no you can't see me change"
-oh noes! someone has locked the gym(the caretaker? maybe thats why he's been a focus this week?)
-nooo adam is in danger!(however i'm sure he'll get out alive somehow)
i'm curious as to whether this is where it will end on a cliffhanger for the finale next week. it could well be as the finding the body "tomorrow" could be the last episode, but do you tihnk they'd be able to determine the killer and whoever locked the gym and everyones reaction to christas transformation in the final episode?
anyone up for guessing how many times christa has changed? closest number wins! :P i'd say three times now just given the diary entry(all my other suspicious of this being her first time have flown out the window, quite disappointed lol)
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Comment number 63.
At 12th Mar 2011, CatOnKeyboard wrote:61 - Every like counts.
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Comment number 64.
At 12th Mar 2011, CatOnKeyboard wrote:52 - My random guess (32) as to them being locked in was right!
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Comment number 65.
At 12th Mar 2011, Water56 wrote:52- COOOOOOOL
I can't wait to see this one!!!! :D
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Comment number 66.
At 12th Mar 2011, Paige wrote:i cant find him
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Comment number 67.
At 12th Mar 2011, Paige wrote:how do u spell it
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Comment number 68.
At 12th Mar 2011, CatOnKeyboard wrote:Moustachioed :-{Pete
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Comment number 69.
At 12th Mar 2011, agatha wrote:Page 5:
The other me ate.
I just really, REALLY don’t want to throw up half digested Adam.
Sometimes it feels like we are playing out all of this; playing at detective, playing at being teenagers. But the reality of what we are is BIG & DARK & VAST & OLD! And it’s just waiting for us to mess up, put a foot wrong and fall into darkness. And then it will HAVE US. And there’ll be no coming back from that. And our attempts to act human will be seen as brittle and false.
And sometimes it feels like we’re there already. Wearing masks called Adam and Christa and
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Comment number 70.
At 12th Mar 2011, CatOnKeyboard wrote:Um, agatha, can you stop transcribing for a sec and give us a link to the Moustachioed :-{Pete page?
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Comment number 71.
At 12th Mar 2011, CatOnKeyboard wrote:OH GOD! I CUT Moustachioed :-{Pete IN HALF AGAIN!
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Comment number 72.
At 12th Mar 2011, CatOnKeyboard wrote:71 - Ah well, he is better now
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Comment number 73.
At 12th Mar 2011, agatha wrote:Page 6:
Matt. Doing our best to sound young and carefree, while the truth of what we are gnaws at us.
And sometimes I think I really should stop listening to RADIOHEAD!
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Comment number 74.
At 12th Mar 2011, Un impressed wrote:Why in Christa's diary has she mis-spelt 'height' as "hight" yet she can spell "mortuaries" ´óÏó´«Ã½ please refrain from throwing in mis-spelt words as convincers the entry is written by a teenager - completely unnecessary!
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Comment number 75.
At 12th Mar 2011, CatOnKeyboard wrote:74 - Hey, a shiny-new person!
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Comment number 76.
At 12th Mar 2011, agatha wrote:The Entire Thing: (NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED!)
Bloodhound by Christa
I REALLY don’t want to do this! I’m only just coming to terms with what I am, what I become once a month. I don’t think I’ve even said the word to myself, not alone, not facing a mirror. And now, not only have I just shrugged and casually implied to Matt & Adam what they’ve known all along. I’ve volunteered as a bloodhound. WHAT WAS I THINKING?!
So our half-baked shambolic plan? Well, we wait until it’s nearly full moon, when my senses are at their height, and then I run around school, hopefully fighting the urge to sniff everyone’s backside and wee against a lamppost. And somewhere en route, find Matt’s body.
The’ (crossed out) That’s the ideal outcome. Obviously there’s always a plan B, where they fail to get me to some woods or whatever in time, I fully transform, then leap on Adam and rip him to pieces and EAT him. Then I run riot through the town, killing dozens of smokers hanging around outside pubs, proving once and for all that Smoking is bad for you!
On the whole I think I prefer plan A.
But seriously, the idea of using a werewolf to sniff out Matt’s body? I know it was my idea but it’s hardly genius. It’s like using dynamite to clear your sinuses! As if it’s just some common or garden doggy, that we can leash or pet or make roll over and play dead. Which is what everyone else will be doing if we mess this up.
I’m making jokes about this, but it’s the same kind of jokes people make in mortuaries. Or in Nuclear Weapon Silos. ‘Hope we don’t blow up the world today! Ha Ha Ha.’ Because if you don’t laugh you’ll CRY. For a very long time. With your music up loud to cover the sound.
Do you know why your nose runs when you cry? Because your nasal passages and your tear ducts are connected, and if the tears can’t get out of your eyes, they overflow into your nose. That’s not real snot, it’s kind of ‘tear snot’. And you know in films when the hero kisses away someone’s tears? Do you think someone explained to him about tear snot, he’s kiss that away too??
No, I don’t think so either.
That might sound a [bit grose] – (crossed out) little gross, but my gross tolerance has gone up quite a bit lately. There’s nothing like puking up a half digested rabbit or fox or rotting rubbish once a month to rid you of the whole girly squeamishness thing. I’ve got to tell you, it seems the other me will eat absolutely ANYTHING. But then when I become myself again, my stomach gets a little bit picky and promptly decides to rid of whatever
The other me ate.
I just really, REALLY don’t want to throw up half digested Adam.
Sometimes it feels like we are playing out all of this; playing at detective, playing at being teenagers. But the reality of what we are is BIG & DARK & VAST & OLD! And it’s just waiting for us to mess up, put a foot wrong and fall into darkness. And then it will HAVE US. And there’ll be no coming back from that. And our attempts to act human will be seen as brittle and false.
And sometimes it feels like we’re there already. Wearing masks called Adam and Christa and Matt. Doing our best to sound young and carefree, while the truth of what we are gnaws at us.
And sometimes I think I really should stop listening to RADIOHEAD!
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Comment number 77.
At 12th Mar 2011, CatOnKeyboard wrote:74 - If you want to be a grammar nazi, you have come to the right place. Posts 300-400 on update 31 were almost pure grammar-naziism
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Comment number 78.
At 12th Mar 2011, agatha wrote:70. DONE!
Here's the link, (i'll probably get modded forthis so click fast!)
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Comment number 79.
At 12th Mar 2011, BigBadDog wrote:What're the chances of keeping this page tangent free?
The blogs are descending into farce lately!
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Comment number 80.
At 12th Mar 2011, agatha wrote:32. Ewan, Beat ya to it!
Hooray for Moustachioed :-{Pete!!!
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Comment number 81.
At 12th Mar 2011, CatOnKeyboard wrote:78 - WOOO Moustachioed :-{Pete
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Comment number 82.
At 12th Mar 2011, Paige wrote:i dont have a facebook so my friend did it 4 me
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Comment number 83.
At 12th Mar 2011, CatOnKeyboard wrote:79 - Sorry. But come on, you have to admit it is fun
Come to the dark side. We have cookies!
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Comment number 84.
At 12th Mar 2011, Paige wrote:83- yeah cookies of every kind oh and i almost forgot
Andy Waywego
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Comment number 85.
At 12th Mar 2011, Themoon-atmidnight wrote:Okay, I have to get this out of my system. This is how I think (and want) the episode will turn out.
*The trio are walking towards the school when the sun has just set*
Christa: 'I'm really not sure I want to do this any more.'
Adam: 'Look, it'll be fine, and if it isn't, I've got the RSPCA on speed dial'
Matt: We will get you to the woods in time. And besides, you were the one who suggested this in the first place.
*Christa storms ahead while Matt and Adam stare at each other, not knowing what to say. Adam starts to run after her while Matt tries to keep up*
Adam: Christa, wait up! You don't have to do this if you don't want to.
Christa: Well I kind of do, don't I? I said I would, so I am. If I get it done quickly then maybe you will be far enough away so I don't tear you to pieces.
*Matt catches up to them*
Matt: Christa I'm sorry if I-
Christa: I really don't give a pigs balls to what you think any more.
Matt: That's a bit harsh, Christa. all I was saying-
Christa: Well DON'T say then. This is really hard for me? Okay?
Matt: How do you think I feel, being murdered and all-
Christa: That's really smart of you, playing the death card.
Matt: Well yeh actually! You prancing around like your the one with the most weight on your shoulders, but you only have to do it one night a month! I HAVE TO BE DEAD, FOREVER. Once you find the murderer I get to pass over and you and Adam get to be alone together, like you always wanted. Yeh, I see the way you look at him. You might be pushing away the fact that you're a WEREWOLF, but you certainly can't hid the fact that you enjoyed that kiss as much as ADAM. I'M SICK OF YOU ACTING LIKE THE QUEEN DOG.
*Adam looks at Matt, knowing that he has really pushed his luck. Christa gives a loud grunt then walks into the school, leaving Matt and Adam standing there*
Adam: ... Why did you do that Matt?
Matt: I'm sick of being ignored.
Adam: She wasn't ignoring you mate. She was trying to help. We can only ever imagine the pain she has to go through every month. Just because she doesn't like you the way you like her, doesn't give you the right to say that to her face. Thanks to you, she might give up on the murder and we have lost our bloodhound.
*A blood curdling scream comes from inside the school. The look on Adam's face says it all. The transformation has started early*
Adam: If we don't find her, this is ALL your fault Matt. You are responsible for anything that happens to her, OR ANYONE ELSE!
*The two of them run into the school, desperately looking into every classroom door and cupboard. Another scream echoes through the hallways, bouncing off the walls*
Matt: It sounds like she's gone this way *points towards gym doors*
*Adam starts to run while two more screams crack through the air. Matt doesn't move.*
Matt: No.
Adam: What? *he slows down and turns to face Matt* What do you mean, 'No'?
Matt: I don't want to see her like that. I don't want to see her in pain.
Adam: Oh, WHATEVER. *Adam runs through gym doors to find Christa crippled over by the matts, tears and sweat running down her face*
Christa: STAY AWAY!
*She screams in agony, her body falling limp against the gym floor as the bones in her arms break*
Christa: *in a whispering, raspy tone* Adam, g-get out, lock the gym *screams* get me some clothes f-for when I wake up. *screaming again, the bones in her back push outwards to make a new skeleton. She manages to haul herself off the floor. Adam stands there helplessly while watching a monster form. Finally, he manages to tear his eyes away. He makes a break for it. Grabbing a javelin on the way, he runs out of the doors and puts it through the handles*
Matt: ... is she okay?
Adam: *slides down the wall, landing on the floor by the doors next to Matt* No, she isn't Matt. She really isn't.
Matt: Can't we do anything?
Adam: No.
Matt: Why not?
Adam: She doesn't want us too.
*The two of them sit in silence, listening to Christa's cries. After a while, everything is silent. Adam stands up and looks through the tiny window in the door*
Matt: What can you see?
Adam: She's...licking herself.
Matt: Oh, um...
Adam: Oh wait, she's stopped. She's wondering around...OH CRAP SHE'S SEEN ME.
Matt: WHAT?!
Adam: Kidding. But you better keep your voice down. Surprisingly she's quite calm.
Matt: Really?
Adam: She's sniffing the air. She keeps scraping the floorboards.
Matt: Floorboards?
*Huge noise starts to come from the gym*
Matt: What the hell is that?!
Adam: She's tearing the floor apart...OH GOD...
Matt: What?!
Adam: I think she may have found your body.
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Comment number 86.
At 12th Mar 2011, Themoon-atmidnight wrote:Sorry for the horrendously long post. I can't guarantee this will happen, it's just how it played out in my head.
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Comment number 87.
At 12th Mar 2011, Paige wrote:Penny Tration
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Comment number 88.
At 12th Mar 2011, agatha wrote:63. If he gets 25 likes he can have a nickname.
Me thinks a sequel for my children's book writing career is due.
Possible titles?
Moustachioed :-{Pete and the Ten tricky wombats perhaps?
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Comment number 89.
At 12th Mar 2011, Paige wrote:86- thats how i thought it was going to happen
well mre or less...
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Comment number 90.
At 12th Mar 2011, Paige wrote:88- lol
Phil McCrackin
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Comment number 91.
At 12th Mar 2011, Paige wrote:Fawn Dell Maybalz
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Comment number 92.
At 12th Mar 2011, ewan wrote:As promised
Bloodhound by Christa
I really don't want to do this! I'm only just coming to terms with what I am, what I've become once a month. I don't think I've even said the word to myself, not alone, not facing a mirror. And now, not only have I just shrugged and casually implied to Matt & Adam what they've known all along. I've volunteered to be a blood hound. WHAT WAS I THINKING?!
So our half baked shambolic plan? Well, we wait until it's nearly full moon, when my senses are at their height, and then I run around the school, hopefully fighting the urge to sniff everyone's backside and wee against a lamp post. And somewhere route, find Matt's body.
((The'i) crossed out) That's the ideal outcome. Obviously there's always a plan B, where they fail to get me to some woods or wherever in time, I fully transform, then leap on Adam and rip him to pieces and EAT him. Then I run riot through the town, killing dozens of smokers hanging round outside pubs, proving once and for all that smoking is bad for you!
On the whole I think I prefer plan A.
But seriously, the idea of using a werewolf, to sniff out our Matt's body? I know it was my idea but it's hardly genius. It's like using dynamite to clear your sinuses! As if it's just some common or garden doggy, that we can leash or a pet or make it roll over and play dead. Which is what everyone else will be doing if we mess this up.
I'm making jokes about this, but it's the same kind of jokes people make in mortuaries. Or in Nuclear Weapon Silos. 'Hope we don't blow up the world today! Ha Ha Ha.' Because if you don't laugh you'll CRY. For a very long time. With your music up load to cover the sound.
Do you know why your nose runs when you cry? Because your tear ducts are connected, and if the tears can't get out of your eyes, they outflow into your nose. That's not real snot, it's kind of 'tear snot'. And you know in films when the hero kisses away someone's tears? Do you think if someone explained to him about tear snot he'd kiss that away too??
No, I don't think so either.
That might sound a ((bit grose)crossed out) little gross, but my gross tolerance has gone up quite a bit lately. There's nothing like puking up a half digested rabbit or fox or rotting rubbish once a month to rid you of the whole girly squeamishness thing. I've got to tell you, it seems the other me will eat absolutely ANYTHING. But when I become myself again, my stomach gets a little picky and promptly decides to ???? of whatever the other me ate.
I just really, really don't want to throw up half digested Adam.
Sometimes it feels like we are playing at all of this, playing a detective, playing at being teenagers. But the reality of what we are is BIG & DARK & VAST & COLD! And it's just waiting for us to mess up, put a foot wrong and fall into the darkness. And then it will have us. And there will be no coming back from that. And our attempts to act human will be seen as brittle and false.
And sometimes it feels like we're there already. Wearing masks called Adam and Christa and Matt. Doing our best to sound young & care free, while the truth of what we are gnaws at us.
And sometimes I think I really should stop listening to Radiohead!
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Comment number 93.
At 12th Mar 2011, Paige wrote:Will Leejuice
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Comment number 94.
At 12th Mar 2011, Paige wrote:Mas Turbate
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Comment number 95.
At 12th Mar 2011, Paige wrote:Ima Virgin
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Comment number 96.
At 12th Mar 2011, Paige wrote:Stup Idassol
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Comment number 97.
At 12th Mar 2011, agatha wrote:92. SNAP!!!
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Comment number 98.
At 12th Mar 2011, CatOnKeyboard wrote:So, from this update there are several things we can see:
(I'm going to list everything, even obvious stuff)
1) The plan is to use Christa's heightened senses to find the body, they will search the school before getting her to a safe place. NOTE: she says "the woods or something" so maybe they planned to go to the gym all along, but not to get locked in.
2)Christa has had transformations before, more than one, less than ten. I'm estimating from how she is acting, from the photo of "Old Christa" but also from how she has got over squeamishness, and knows just how many weird things the werewolf will eat.
3)She is speaking from experience about the crying with really loud music. Remember, everything in here has a purpose, there is nothing wasted, so this is telling us that it is highly emotional for her.
4) This one is for Arista. She suddenly starts talking about tears just after talking about hurting Adam. First she tries to talk about something else, as you do when upset to try and cover it, then she goes onto tears, which I assume to be the BHProduction teams way of telling us she is crying.
5) The plan does not go totally to, er, plan. They end up in the gym, either because this was the alternative to the woods, or she could smell something there. Adams line: "We'll keep watch, and we can find the body in the morning" as well as a host of other things suggests the second. But the plan does not go so well as the door is locked, maybe by accident, maybe by the killer, OR MAYBE BY MATT, it could be his way of "getting rid of the competition" we know he has dark thoughts... and also we seem to see him shut the door, then it goes back to adam, then to him saying it's locked. Suspicious?
Ok, that's all I can think of. Happy now BigBadDog?
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Comment number 99.
At 12th Mar 2011, Themoon-atmidnight wrote:Loving all the names, really I am,
maybe we should stop tangenting for the moment?
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Comment number 100.
At 12th Mar 2011, Themoon-atmidnight wrote:100!
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