Chart Report - 14/10/07 - Stars and Snipes!
1 - Sugababes - 'About You Now'In honour of the band's international appeal, I've translated this song title into various languages (and back again), just to see if the rest if the world is hearing what we're hearing.
Dutch: 'Approximately You Now'
Greek: 'Roughly You Now'
Korean: 'Regarding Your Now'
and traditional Chinese...'About Present You', which if you re-order it as 'About You (Present)' actually makes sense again!
2 - Ida Corr Vs Fedde Le Grand - 'Let Me Think About It' Unfortunate names both. One is a description of giving food to an overweight Frenchman (fed-y le grand, see?), and the other is a manfloozy's idle boast. "I'da Corr once. It was rubbish. I'll go for one of the girls next time..."
3 - Mark Ronson ft Amy Winehouse - 'Valerie'"I miss your ginger hair", sings young Amy Winehouse, "and the way you like to dress". Which leaves one pretty urgent line of inquiry...How many people does she hang around with that DON'T like to dress? Enough that she misses the ones who do? Or has she drunk so much she now believes she's in a 24 hour nudist colony? Someone should check...
4 - Shayne Ward - 'No U Hang Up' / 'If That's OK With You'Oddly wet couple of song titles here. The first being what newly in-love people dribble to each other when their phone calls reluctantly have to end, and the second being what you say when you've just expressed an opinion to someone you really want to impress. Whatever next? 'No No, You Were Here First'? 'I Couldn't Possibly Eat Your Last Revel'?
5 - Hoosiers - 'Goodbye Mr A'
Hoosiers? Who's ears? MY bloody ears, you squeaky maniacs!
the ChartSnipes are back and better than ever! theyve put a smile on my face :)
YAY!!! The snipes are back!
And about those Shayne Ward songs...I had a friend that did that with her boyfriend and we all wanted to strangle her. Not a very good thing to put into a song. It makes me cringe just to think about it.
Great to see them back!
Hooray for the return of the snipes! Regarding Shayne Ward's entry/entries, the use if txt spk (text speak) in song titles was soooooo 2001!
Loving the Chartsnipes (:
however, I saw The Hoosiers on the weekend, and they were excellent.